Sugar Addict?

It’s a fact that most of us love our sugar and sweet treats. Former US President Ronald Reagan famously always had to have jellybeans on his desk. Vending machines and even the aisles leading to till points in major shops almost everywhere feed our cravings for sweets.

South African sales of sugar-filled drinks and other sweets soaring, at 63%, we have the highest percentage of fat children and adolescents on the planet, as a nation, we are addicted to sugar in all its glorious forms.

While sugar is not literally addicting, (scientists long ago proved that people are born with a preference for sweets), this innate desire does not disappear as we grow older. Some people find it impossible to leave the dinner table without dessert; others can’t fathom a day without chocolate. Many women blame hormonal surges for the sweets cravings they get around the same time each month.

Sugar and other sweeteners add calories with few other nutrients and have no doubt helped contribute to our current epidemic of obesity. True, sugar is not alone in promoting obesity, a lack of exercise and excessive calories from poor nutrition habits also contribute.

Sugar has been blamed for everything from diabetes, tooth decay, obesity, and heart disease to disruptive behavior in the classroom. But sugar by itself will not cause any of these conditions, except for cavities.

A comprehensive review of scientific research, published in the journal Nutrition Research in 1997, showed that sugar is not a direct cause of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, or hyperactivity. A more recent American government report concurs that sugar is not by itself linked to any of those conditions. However, too many calories, in any form, can contribute to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Changes in our behavior are often attributed to changes in our blood sugar levels. When you consume a meal made up of simple, refined carbohydrates – like a doughnut or a soft drink – the result is a spike in blood sugar. Your body responds to this spike by secreting large amounts of insulin to normalize your blood sugar level. In response to the insulin, your blood sugar level drops quickly, leaving you with a feeling of sluggishness and irritability.

When your blood sugar gets too low, hunger reappears, and the roller-coaster ride resumes, that is, at least until your if your next ‘fix’ of simple carbohydrates. It’s simple carbohydrates that twe need to watch specifically, not the healthy, fibrous carbohydrates that come from whole fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

As your personal trainer, I help you choose healthy carbohydrates or give you nutritional advice that adds protein or fat to your meal, so your blood sugar will rise and fall more normally without the negative side effects.

When we say we have a sugar addiction, we may mean anything from a mild desire to intense cravings for sweet foods and drinks. Some people go so far as to equate the effects of sugar to a drug, saying it calms them and helps them deal with stress.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Guide Pyramid recommends we limit added sugars in our diet to 12 teaspoons per day, as far back as 2001, the average American ate and drank the equivalent of 31 teaspoons of sugar daily, however, even with these scary numbers, South African children still manage to feature as amongst the fattest on the planet.

Sugar finds its way into virtually every kind of processed food, from tomato sauce to soups and, especially, soft drinks. One 330ml can of your favorite soft drink contains approximately 10 teaspoons of sugar. As if that is not bad enough, some data suggest that we consume an average of 155 liters of soft drink per person annually. That’s a lot of sugar and extra calories!

Sugars have 4 calories per gram or 15 calories per teaspoon. If you want to shave calories, it’s a good idea to limit added sugar in your diet. Sounds simple enough, but what about those hard-to-ignore cravings? Here’s the trick: Gradually decrease the amount of sugar you eat, and how often you eat it. This will help you reduce your desire for sugars while lowering your caloric intake.

Old habits are hard to break but as your personal trainer, I guide you into making small and gradual changes in your eating style which will help you break free from your sugar addiction.

Many people, newly diagnosed with diabetes find that after they start eating fewer sweets and simple carbohydrates, foods like fresh fruit taste sweeter and can satisfy their cravings for sweets. Remember, moderation is the key. If you can control the quantity, you will be able to enjoy sweets on occasion.

The first step you take towards a healthier lifestyle is the most important and provides secure footing for your weightloss journey. Book a consultation and health appraisal with me and get some professional help.

One of your most important defences against sugar is by learning to understand food labels, being able to distinguish between unhealthy and healthier food options. Making a habit of always reading food labels and understanding what they mean will soon become second-nature with this 2-step guide.

To begin with, read the Nutrition Information table displayed on the packaging of most foods. This can help you to decide if a product is a healthy option or not as it lists how much of each nutrient it contains. All nutrients are listed in two columns – per 100g and per serving. The 100g column is great to use to easily compare similar products because serving sizes may differ, this way you are comparing apples-for-apples.

The “per serving” column tells you how much of each nutrient and energy (kilojoules) you’ll consume if you consume that suggested serving. Be careful here because the “suggested serving” is not always the same as the packaging size – for example, the suggested serving on a 500ml bottle of a sugary drink is often only around 250ml, half of the packaging size.

  1. Use the table to decide if the food is high or low in fat, saturated fat, sugar and sodium (salt). Foods in the ‘low’ group can be eaten more often, but foods in the ‘high’ group should rarely be eaten or only on special occasions.
  2. Become familiar with sugar terminology and find the hidden sugar in your diet. Recognize that all of these are sweeteners: corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, dextrose, honey, molasses, turbinado, and brown sugar.
  3. Keep up with your food journal, and use the notes section to document your mood, setting, and activity whenever you feel the urge to eat sweets. Review your notes and look for patterns or triggers that you can alter to help control your sugar intake.
  4. Don’t put yourself under pressure. Select one behavior to change weekly. Try satisfying your sweet tooth with a snack-sized chocolate bar instead of a full-sized one. Next week, trade in a soft drink for sparkling water with a splash of fruit juice.
  5. Fight your cravings. Satisfy your desire for sweets with the natural sweetness of whole fruits or no-sugar-added juices.
  6. Buy unsweetened food and beverages and add small amounts of sweeteners if you need them. Enjoy whole-grain cereal with one teaspoon of sugar instead of presweetened cereals, which contain much more sugar per serving.
  7. Gradually decrease the amount of sugar you consume in your tea and coffee, let your taste buds slowly adapt to change. Don’t substitute artificial sweeteners for sugar; this will do little to alter your desire for sweets.
  8. Moderate amounts of artificial sweeteners are not unhealthy, but they won’t help you retrain your taste buds.
  9. Allow yourself small portions of sweets on occasion. If you just go ‘cold turkey’, it will be hard to think about anything else. Rather reward yourself with a portion of one small treat ever so often to resist ‘pigging out’ when your resistance wanes.

Second, read the list of ingredients. These are always listed in order of weight, those used in the greatest amounts are listed first, right down to the ingredient used in the smallest amount listed last. Often the first three ingredients listed on the label make up the largest portion of the food item. Sugar, salt and bad fats are the ones to look out to avoid and come in a variety of which may often be listed under the guise of different names as listed below.

  1. Sugar – Brown sugar, concentrated fruit juice, corn syrup, dextrose, treacle, fructose, glucose, glucose syrup, golden syrup, honey, invert sugar, lactose, malt, malt extract, maltose, isomaltose, maltodextrin, maple syrup, molasses, raw sugar, sucrose, sugar, cane sugar.
  2. Bad Fats – Animal fat, beef fat, butter, chocolate, carob, coconut oil, cream, dripping, ghee, hydrogenated oils, lard, margarine, milk solids, monoglycerides, palm oil, seeds, nuts, coconut, tallow, shortening, trans fats, vegetable fat.
  3. Salt – Baking soda, salt, MSG (monosodium glutamate), any word containing the term sodium, nitrates, nitrites.

If you’re a sugar “addict,” kicking the habit will do your body good. Doctors newest nutritional recommendations suggest a balanced diet, low in fat, with reduced sugar intake, along with regular exercise, as the best way to lose weight and keep it off.

My custom programs for fitness and weight loss are a smart combination of exercise and good nutritional advice basedon data from your consultation and health appraisal. My programs promote safe and effective weekly weight loss and to encourage the eating of healthy foods while weaning you from excessive sugar. Book a consultation and health appraisal and find out just how sweet better health can be!

Tiger Athletic is a modern, private, appointment only gym in Sandton, Johannesburg using a rigorous, results-focused methodology we are passionate about helping you be the healthiest version of yourself, so you can lead a more fulfilling personal and professional life.

Together changes everything. Let’s work out.

Eat Smarter. Lose Bodyfat.

You’ve done the right thing and booked your consultation and health appraisal to give yourself the best possible chance of succeeding in losing the extra weight given, you’ve organised your fridge and are eating smart, working out and taking better care of yourself, yet the scale remains stubborn and refuses to move as quickly as you feel it should or just plain refuses to budge!

Your ‘smart nutrition’ may not be so smart after all, your diet may still contain some sneaky foods like salt and pasta sauce that can lead to water retention and significantly hike your calorie intake. Let’s start by cutting back on ultra-processed foods, bubbly drinks, chewing gum, and sugary beverages that can increase bloating.

Food that can “spot train” belly fat is pure urban myth however, there are some smart swaps can introduce to your diet that will improve your gut health, improving digestion, reduce water retention, eliminate cramps and gas while helping you feel and look less puffy.

Vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts, fish, whole grains, and other smart choices are high in protein and fiber, keeping you feeling fuller for longer eliminating the snacking while fuelling you with healthier, tastier foods.

Certain foods have a thermogenic effect, you literally burn calories as you chew. Other have nutrients and compounds that crank up your metabolism. Stoke your metabolic fire by eating more of these foods, while cutting out unhealthy snacks and empty calories.

For those that eat meat, lean meats like biltong offer awesome snack options. Protein has a high thermogenic effect. You burn about 30% of the calories the food contains during digestion, for example, a 300-calorie chicken breast requires about 90 calories to break it down. Winning!

Low-fat dairy products are rich in calcium and vitamin D, which preserve and build muscle mass, essential for maintaining a robust metabolism.

When it comes to healthy eating and weight loss, plant-based foods offer greater options to add more wholesome taste to your diet without the extra centimeters to your waistline.Your body burns twice as many calories breaking down whole-grain foods, especially those rich in fiber such as oatmeal and brown rice opposed to processed foods.

Drinking four cups of green tea a day could help you shed as much as three kilograms in eight weeks, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports which gave credit EGCG, a compound in the brew that temporarily speeds metabolism after sipping it. To up your intake, keep a jug of iced tea in the fridge.

One cup of lentils packs 35% of your daily iron needs, fantastic news since up to 20% of us are iron- deficient. When you lack a nutrient, your metabolism slows because the body’s not getting what it needs to work efficiently.

Capsaicin is the compound that gives chili peppers their kick, heats up your body which in turn makes you melt additional calories. You can get it by eating raw, cooked, dried, or powdered peppers. Add as much cayenne or hot sauce as possible to soups, eggs, and meats.

Let’s look at olives and eggs. Two easily sourced superfoods that you may have overlooked or are misinformed about, that are awesome for your health and weight loss goals which add flavor, great taste and variety to any table.


This is the ultimate heart-healthy snack whether pressed into cooking oil or eaten cured and whole. When cold-pressed and consumed as true extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), this tiny Mediterranean fruit will help you to slim down by keeping you fuller for longer, while reducing your risk of heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.

Long-term evidence suggests that people who consume extra- virgin olive oil daily are at a lower risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular mortality.

Olives are chock-full of monounsaturated fatty acids, a type of fat linked with lowering LDL (“bad” cholesterol) while maintaining HDL (“good” cholesterol”).

The powerful antioxidant properties of olive polyphenols help protect you against oxidative stress and chronic inflammation which is a key initiating factor of heart disease.

Compounds found in olives boost short- and long-term health because they can increase nitric oxide production which in turn improves vascular function by promoting blood flow to your tissues.

Better circulation improves everything, you could train harder, recover faster, even maybe improve your overall risk of chronic disease. Certain types of olives can provide up to 25% of your iron needs which helps deliver more oxygen to your organs when you need.

Polyphenols which are other compounds found in olives aid in the reduction of chronic inflammation, halting organ tissue damage before it starts.

Improve your health by improving your diet as a whole and adding olives to a diet that includes vegetables, fruit, and whole grains. These polyphenols may reduce degeneration in your bones by improving bone mineral density.

By reducing oxidative stress caused by inflammation, olives help protect vital organs like your brain from harmful and potentially irreversible damage.

This tiny fruit also contains the antioxidant vitamin E, linked to improved cognition and reduced risk of cognitive decline. Diets that rely on olive oil as a primary fat source are also associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is full of healthy, flavourful fats that boost not only the taste but the satiety of meals when used in cooking. Each tablespoon is about 120 calories, is worth roughly 30 olives depending on type and size. Snacking on a cup of olives provides 15% of your daily dietary fiber.

High-antioxidant foods like olives are great snacks that can also lower your chances of certain cancers, both by protecting cellular DNA, potentially preventing tumor growth and reducing oxidative stress.

Extra virgin olive oil could lower blood sugar as early as two hours after a meal by aiding insulin action. The oleic acids (a heart-healthier type of fat) and polyphenols in olives can help too. Research indicates diets high in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants may lessen the risk of type II diabetes.

Adding a tablespoon of olive oil to salads and drizzling it in veggie dips can help you better absorb the antioxidants found in many fruits and vegetables can help enhance your intake of carotenoids, which benefit your eyes and diminish long-term disease risk.

The bottom line is that eating olives, in addition to more vegetables and fruit not only makes a positive change that can benefit your health in the long term but crucially, also help you achieve weight-loss goals.


High-protein breakfasts, that include eggs, have been linked to weight loss and a reduction in belly fat. You can add natures perfect ‘nutrient bomb’ to your stir-fry, sautés, salads or pair them with whole-grain toast and vegetables.

Eggs are delicious, leave you fuller for longer than that apple or banana you swipe out of the fruit bowl on your way out every morning, yet we claim to be ‘too busy’ to eat breakfast in the morning which is laughable because we are more often than not absolutely ravenous and totally distracted long before lunch which sets a bad tone for your day.

We settle instead, to make time to either snack or keep filling the coffee mug all the while cursing our trainer or new diet under our breath every time, we pass our reflection and see our ever-bulging midriff.  

Its time for a simple change…eat three eggs every morning. Try adding this simple yet comforting routine to your day for a week and feel how remarkably positive your days (and waistline) feel.

Eggs are natures perfect little package. They protein-rich with about 7 grams each, the yolks contain inflammation-fighting omega-3s; vitamins D, E, and B12; and minerals like selenium. Eating just two eggs a day gives you 50% of your daily needs for the memory boosting nutrient choline, which most of us severely lack.

Nutrition science has come a long way since the heyday of egg white omelets, and much of the ‘bro science’ advice about nonsense like the saturated fat and cholesterol in eggs would lead to your early demise.

Eggs contain all nine essential amino acids necessary to rebuild the muscles and tissues in our bodies additionally experts now say that, yes, there’s cholesterol in eggs, but, contrary to what we’ve previously been told, dietary cholesterol doesn’t seem to have much effect on blood cholesterol, the type that actually clogs your arteries, for the average person.

How many eggs you can safely eat per week as advised by your nutritionist, largely depends on how the rest of your diet looks, which makes it a pretty personal and variable recommendation. Get active by joining my 10 000 steps a day challenge or run for fun program and eat the whole damn egg!

We all have a bag of frozen veggies languishing at the bottom of our freezer that we have probably forgotten about. Ramp up the fiber content of your breakfast while adding some fun texture and subtle sweetness to your morning eggs by tossing in a handful of these into the pan with your eggs.

Ripe avocado and cilantro on top is delicious or just scramble them on their own, no milk or fancy additives just a knob of butter and eggs! Same time it takes to make a packet of instant cereal. We have been living a lie, people.

Making yourself breakfast every morning may seem tedious, but making the commitment to your three egg routine in the morning will provide 21grams of protein that will extend the hunger pangs that cause you to snack badly to stay at bay until midday significantly streamlining your morning and eliminating that food guilt you’ve been carrying.

Sit down for at least 10 minutes each morning and eat, give yourself a moment to relax and mentally prepare for the rigors of the day ahead.

Tiger Athletic is a modern, private, appointment only gym in Sandton, Johannesburg using a rigorous, results-focused methodology we are passionate about helping you be the healthiest version of yourself, so you can lead a more fulfilling personal and professional life.

Together changes everything. Let’s work out.

Vegetarian Day

Modern. Private. Strictly By Appointment.

A plant-based diet doesn’t have to be an all-or-nothing proposition. Vegetarians and vegans tend to have lower BMIs than meat-eaters, however, in America, less than 5% of adults consider themselves vegetarians, and 84% of vegetarians and vegans eventually go back to eating meat at least some of the time.

Having just one meat-free day a week has been shown to reduce risk for chronic preventable conditions including heart disease, cancer, and diabetes, not to mention it may also help you lose weight.

You don’t have to be a vegetarian to love a meatless meal. Fruits and veggies are some of the healthiest items on your plate and should fill half of it. That’s where vegetarian meals come in handy. Tasty, flavourful, and meat-free, what’s not to love?

Stir-Fried Baby Bok Choy

This classic serve 4, takes a total of 15 minutes to prepare and gets an upgrade with radishes, cashews, and chilli, perfect for weight loss at only 138 calories!


  • 6 heads baby bok choy
  • 2 tablespoons dark sesame oil
  • 2 spring onions or 1 bunch scallions, white and light green parts only, thinly sliced
  • 3 tablespoons low-sodium soy sauce
  • ½ teaspoon sugar
  • 1 Whole chilli, very thinly sliced
  • ¼ cup chopped cashews
  • 3 small radishes, very thinly sliced
  • 1 ½ teaspoon toasted sesame seeds


Trim leafy greens from bok choy; chop greens and reserve. (You should have about 2 cups.) Cut stalks into 1-inch pieces. Discard root ends.

Heat a large cast-iron skillet or wok over high heat. Add oil; swirl to coat. Add bok choy stalks and onions. Stir-fry until just softened, about 2 minutes. Add reserved greens, soy sauce, sugar and chili. Stir-fry until liquid has thickened, about 1 minute. Transfer mixture and sauce to a serving bowl. Top with cashews, radish slices and sesame seeds; serve immediately.

Nutritional Information

  • Calories per serving: 138
  • Fat per serving: 12g
  • Saturated fat per serving: 2g
  • Cholesterol per serving: 0mg
  • Fibre per serving: 1g
  • Protein per serving:        3g
  • Carbohydrate per serving: 7g
  • Sodium per serving:        420mg
  • Iron per serving: 3mg
  • Calcium per serving: 45mg

Super Green Salad

Shaved asparagus looks very elegant, the entire meal takes only 25 minutes to prepare, serves 8 people and this meal only packs 226 calories. This meal is low Carbohydrate, low Cholesterol, low Saturated Fat and is totally meatless.


  • Kosher salt
  • 2 x 500g. bunches large asparagus spears
  • 1 cup frozen shelled edamame, thawed
  • 1 cup frozen or fresh English peas
  • ½ cup extra-virgin olive oil
  • ¼ cup slivered almonds, lightly toasted
  • 2 cloves garlic
  • 1 ½ teaspoon lemon zest
  • 1 cup loosely packed fresh basil leaves
  • ½ cup loosely packed fresh mint leaves
  • ¼ cup loosely packed fresh tarragon leaves
  • 2 tablespoons fresh lemon juice
  • 60g shaved Manchego cheese


Bring 6 cups water to a boil in a large pot; add 1 tablespoon salt. Have ready a bowl of ice water.

Trim tough ends from asparagus. Cut 1 bunch diagonally into 6cm pieces. Shave stalks of remaining asparagus with a vegetable peeler. Add diagonally cut asparagus, edamame and peas to boiling water; cook for 4 minutes. Plunge vegetables into ice water to stop the cooking process; drain well.

Process oil, almonds, garlic and lemon zest in a blender until smooth. Add herbs and process until smooth.

Place dressing, shaved asparagus, cooked asparagus mixture, lemon juice and 1/2 teaspoon salt in a bowl; toss to coat. Top with Manchego.

Nutritional Information

  • Calories per serving: 226
  • Fat per serving: 18g
  • Saturated fat per serving: 4g
  • Cholesterol per serving: 8mg
  • Fibre per serving: 5g
  • Protein per serving: 8g
  • Carbohydrate per serving: 10g
  • Sodium per serving:        314mg
  • Iron per serving: 4mg
  • Calcium per serving: 160mg

Arugula Salad with Shaved Artichokes

Artichoke are related to thistles and sunflowers, are rich in magnesium and folate and this meal packs only 125 calories with a total prep time of 30 minutes for 6 servings. This Recipe Is low Carbohydrate, low Cholesterol, low Fat, low Saturated Fat and is meatless


  • 1 cup cider vinegar
  • ½ cup sugar
  • 2 teaspoons red pepper flakes
  • Kosher salt and black pepper
  • 8 ramps or 8 scallions (white and light green parts only), trimmed
  • 125ml cup mayonnaise
  • ½ cup finely grated Parmesan cheese
  • 2 tablespoons minced spring garlic or 2 cloves garlic, smashed to a paste
  • ¼ cup plus 1 tablespoon fresh lemon juice
  • 3 fresh globe artichokes
  • ½ lemon
  • 5 cups loosely packed baby arugula leaves
  • 120g cremini mushrooms, very thinly sliced


Stir together vinegar, sugar, red pepper flakes, 1 cup water and 1 tablespoon salt in a large saucepan; bring to a boil over high heat. Add ramps; reduce heat to medium-high and simmer for 5 minutes. Drain.

Process mayonnaise, Parmesan, garlic, 2 tablespoons water, 1 tablespoon of the lemon juice, 1 teaspoon black pepper and ½ teaspoon salt in a mini food processor until smooth.

Stir together 4 to 6 cups water (enough to cover artichokes) and remaining ¼ cup lemon juice in a large bowl. Trim about 5cm from top of each artichoke. Cut each artichoke in half vertically. Remove fuzzy thistle from bottom with a spoon; discard. Trim any leaves and dark green layer from base. Rub edges with lemon and place in lemon-water mixture. Once all artichokes are trimmed, remove 1 at a time 
from water and thinly slice with a mandolin or sharp knife. Place in a large bowl. Add dressing, arugula and mushrooms; toss to coat. Top with ramps.

Nutritional Information

  • Calories per serving: 125
  • Fat per serving: 5g
  • Saturated fat per serving: 1g
  • Cholesterol per serving: 6mg
  • Fibre per serving: 4g
  • Protein per serving: 6g
  • Carbohydrate per serving: 14g
  • Sodium per serving: 618mg
  • Iron per serving: 2mg
  • Calcium per serving: 146mg

Greek-Style Baby Potatoes

Poaching potatoes in olive oil makes for a luxurious side to serve with a light main dish at only 368 calories and 15 minutes active. This low cholesterol dish serves 4.


  • 1 red bell pepper, halved lengthwise and seeded
  • 4 cups olive oil
  • 1 ½ pounds baby new potatoes, halved (about 4 cups)
  • 4 fresh bay leaves
  • 12 Castelvetrano or other large olives, halved (about 1/3 cup)
  • ½ cup loosely packed fresh flat-leaf parsley leaves
  • Salt and black pepper


Preheat broiler. Place bell pepper halves cut-side down on a foil-lined baking sheet. Brush tops with 1 tablespoon of the oil. Broil 4 inches from heat until charred, 6 to 8 minutes. Place in a bowl; cover tightly with plastic wrap. Let stand 10 minutes. Peel and cut into strips.

Combine potatoes, bay leaves and remaining oil in a large pan over medium-high heat. Simmer until potatoes are very tender, 12 to 15 minutes.

Transfer potatoes to a bowl with a slotted spoon; discard bay leaves. Stir in olives, parsley, 3/4 teaspoon salt and 1/4 teaspoon black pepper. Serve warm.

Nutritional Information

  • Calories per serving: 368
  • Fat per serving: 25g
  • Saturated fat per serving: 3g
  • Cholesterol per serving: 0mg
  • Fibre per serving: 4g
  • Protein per serving: 4g
  • Carbohydrate per serving: 33g
  • Sodium per serving:        737mg
  • Iron per serving: 2mg
  • Calcium per serving: 37mg

Radish and Turnip Sauté

This dish uses radish and turnip greens, or you can sub in mustard greens. Active time is 15 min with 4 servings at an easy 127 calories. This Recipe Is low calorie, low in saturated fat and meat free.


  • 1 bunch radishes (about 12 oz.)
  • 2 Tablespoons unsalted butter
  • 1 tablespoon extra-virgin olive oil
  • 300g young turnips (about 4 small), peeled and cut into 1/2-inch pieces
  • 2 cups chopped turnip greens
  • 1 ½ tablespoons cider vinegar
  • Salt and black pepper


Trim greens from radishes; chop greens and reserve. (You should have about 1 cup.) Cut radishes into quarters.

Heat butter and oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add radishes and turnips. Sauté, stirring often, until lightly caramelized, about 7 minutes. Stir in turnip greens, vinegar, 1 teaspoon salt, 1/4 teaspoon pepper and reserved radish greens. Cook, stirring constantly, until greens are wilted, about 1 minute. Taste and season with additional salt and pepper, if desired.

Nutritional Information

  • Calories per serving: 127
  • Fat per serving: 10g
  • Saturated fat per serving: 4g
  • Cholesterol per serving: 15mg
  • Fibre per serving: 4g
  • Protein per serving:        2g
  • Carbohydrate per serving: 10g
  • Sodium per serving:        333mg
  • Iron per serving: 1mg
  • Calcium per serving: 98mg

Spring Beets with Rhubarb Vinaigrette

One cup of rhubarb packs 10 percent of your daily calcium, this recipe needs 35 minutes of active time and will produce 6 servings of 207 calories. This recipe is low calorie, low cholesterol and low in saturated fat.


  • 300g finely chopped rhubarb
  • ¼ cup red wine
  • 2 tablespoons red wine vinegar
  • 2 tablespoons finely chopped shallot
  • 3 teaspoons chopped fresh thyme
  • Kosher salt and black pepper
  • 750g beets, peeled and cut into small wedges
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 50g crumbled soft goat cheese
  • ½ cup chopped pistachios
  • 2 tablespoons honey


Stir together rhubarb, 2 cups water, wine, honey, and vinegar in a saucepan. Bring to a boil over high heat. Reduce heat to medium and simmer until rhubarb has broken down, about 10 minutes. Pour mixture through a wire-mesh strainer into a bowl, pressing solids to extract liquid. Discard solids. Wipe saucepan clean. Place strained liquid in saucepan. Cook over medium-high heat, stirring occasionally, until reduced to 1/3 cup, about 5 minutes. Transfer to a bowl; stir in shallot, 2 teaspoons of the thyme and ½ teaspoon each salt and pepper. Refrigerate for 10 minutes.

Place a steamer basket in a large stockpot with a tight-fitting lid. Add water to just below steamer basket and place stockpot over high heat. Place beets in steamer basket. Cover and cook until beets are tender, 15 to 20 minutes. Transfer to a plate; refrigerate for 10 minutes.

Whisk oil into rhubarb mixture. Add beets; toss to coat. Transfer to a serving bowl. Top with goat cheese, pistachios and remaining 1 teaspoon thyme.

Nutritional Information

  • Calories per serving: 207
  • Fat per serving: 12g
  • Saturated fat per serving: 2g
  • Cholesterol per serving: 3mg
  • Fibre per serving: 5g
  • Protein per serving:        5g
  • Carbohydrate per serving: 21g
  • Sodium per serving:        280mg
  • Iron per serving: 2mg
  • Calcium per serving: 75mg

Coastal Carrot “Fettuccine”

Slash carbs and boost fibre by shaving carrots into colourful “noodles” in these 104 calories, 15-minute prep and 15-minute cook Paleo pasta dish. This recipe is low calorie, low carbohydrate, low cholesterol, low saturated fat and meatless


  • 2 tablespoons extra-virgin olive oil
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • ½ cup grape tomatoes, quartered if large
  • 2 ½ tablespoons finely chopped fresh basil
  • 3 large rainbow or orange carrots
  • 1 cup tomato sauce
  • ¼ teaspoon sweet paprika
  • ¼ teaspoon sea salt
  • ¼ teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons pumpkin seeds, toasted, for garnish


Heat oil over medium-low heat in a large skillet. Add garlic and sauté until soft and fragrant, about 30 seconds. Add tomatoes and 2 Tbsp. basil; sauté until tomatoes burst and release their juices, about 5 minutes. Shave carrots into ribbons, using either a spiral slicer (aka spiralizer) or a vegetable peeler.

Add carrots, tomato sauce, paprika, salt, and pepper to skillet and cook until carrots are tender, about 10 minutes. Sprinkle with remaining 1/2 Tbsp. basil and garnish with pumpkin seeds before serving.

Nutritional Information

  • Calories per serving: 114
  • Fat per serving: 8g
  • Saturated fat per serving: 1g
  • Cholesterol per serving: 0mg
  • Fibre per serving: 3g
  • Protein per serving:        2g
  • Carbohydrates per serving: 11g
  • Sodium per serving:        505mg
  • Iron per serving: 1mg
  • Calcium per serving: 35mg

Tiger Athletic is a modern, private, appointment only gym in Sandton, Johannesburg using a rigorous, results-focused methodology we are passionate about helping you be the healthiest version of yourself, so you can lead a more fulfilling personal and professional life.

Together changes everything. Let’s work out.

Superfoods & Your Health

If you are searching for a way to make any meal healthier, superfoods are the most concentrated mineral and nutrient dense organic foods on the planet, with nutrients in their natural form. Eating a diet rich in superfoods should help to control weight, curb hunger pangs and cravings, protect from diseases and boost the immune system. But knowing what to eat and how to eat it can be confusing. Here are a few simple options to get you going!

Water is a keeping-weight-off superfood, it’s a great alternative to other, high calorie beverages like sweetened hot drinks or fizzy cold drinks and you are not likely to ‘compensate’ by eating less food. Research suggests that people who drink liquid carbohydrates (such as fizzy cold drinks) are more likely to consume more calories than their bodies need, compared with people who ate the same amount as a solid carbohydrate.

A recent study focused on a group of obese adults who ate three, 180-gram servings of fat-free yogurt a day as part of a diet, reduced their normal daily caloric intake by as much as 500 calories. Further, this group lost 22% more weight and 61% more body fat than another group of participants who ate a reduced-calorie diet that didn’t emphasize calcium-rich foods. Even more impressive? the yogurt eaters also lost 81% more stomach fat!

The acai berry is a relative of the blueberry, cranberry, and other dark purple fruits. This reddish-purplish fruit is touted as one of the elite superfoods with anti-aging and weight-loss properties. The berries come from the acai palm tree (Euterpe oleracea), which is native to Central America and South America. Research on the acai berry has focused on its possible antioxidant activity. Theoretically, that activity that may help prevent diseases caused by oxidative stress such as heart disease and cancer.

Lycopene is a beneficial nutrient and the red pigment that gives tomatoes, watermelon, red grapefruit, and navel oranges their color. Lycopene is said to have protective effects against prostate cancer, though more quiet research has shown it has tremendous health benefits for women as well, including proof that lycopene may help protect against breast cancer.

Antioxidants are vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients that protect and repair cells from damage caused by free radicals, which are often by products of oxygen use by the body. Many experts believe the damage from free radicals plays a part in several chronic diseases, including hardening of the arteries (atherosclerosis), cancer, and arthritis.  Free radicals can also interfere with your immune system, so fighting off damage with antioxidants helps keep your immune system strong, making you better able to ward off colds, flu, and other infections.

Black and green teas both have different types of antioxidants from fruits and vegetables. More than a decade’s worth of research about green tea’s health benefits — particularly its potential to fight cancer and heart disease — has been more than intriguing, as have limited studies about green tea’s role in lowering cholesterol, burning fat, preventing diabetes and stroke, and staving off dementia. The detoxifying effect of the antioxidants found in green and black teas protects cells from free radicals, which can cause damage leading to blood clot formation, atherosclerosis, and cancer.

Vitamin D is important for bones because it assists the body in calcium absorption. Most people know that calcium is needed for strong bones, but it’s also needed to help blood vessels and muscles contract and expand; to send messages through the nervous system, and to secrete hormones and enzymes. Calcium is the most abundant mineral in your body and makes up 1%-2% of adult human body weight. Over 99% of it is stored in bones and teeth, with the rest stored in blood, muscle, and other tissues.

Tiger Athletic Fitness & Conditioning is a private, appointment only strength & conditioning gym in the heart of Sandton. Our personal trainers are health and fitness professionals who use an individualised approach to assess, motivate, educate and train clients. We design safe, effective, fun exercise solutions for the individual who is accustomed to personalised attention and a modern approach.

Your initial interview’ or first session, is to assess client – trainer compatibility, discuss goals and a client – trainer agreement. This includes the preparticipation health appraisal, essentially a questioneer to identify known diseases and “red flag” positive risk factors associated with heart disease, assess lifestyle factors that may require special considerations, and identify individuals who may require medical referral before starting an exercise program.

Tiger Athletic’s health first approach helps you reach your goals safely and effectively through health and fitness assessment, personalised coaching, modern resistance and cardio equipment, calisthenics and boxing to provide a pragmatic, extraordinary 50-minute workout that is simple, efficient and effective.

Together changes everything. Lets workout.

Fight Your Cravings

The first 12 weeks of any new training program ia called your ‘resistance phase’, your mind and body are to not on the same team, your mind wants a healthier lifestyle and your body just wants to be left alone!

It’s normal to have visions of your guilty pleasure floating through your head, what you might not realize though, is that many of your daily habits, like skimping on breakfast or browsing the internet can strengthen your hankerings and weaken your willpower.

“Cravings”—such a dirty word when you’re trying to lose weight or keep it off. No matter what your “I-want-it-now” food is, magwinya, burgers or cupcakes, you probably wrestle with what you want to do (eat it now!) with what you “should” do (go eat veggies).

Maybe you’re not hungry in the morning, but having a nibble now can keep cravings at bay later. You nourish your body with important nutrients, such as amino acids, vitamins and minerals when you eat protein in the morning, protein helps the body build and repair tissues. It also assists the body in fighting infection, generating hormones and forming enzymes.

Researchers aren’t exactly sure why, but protein may help stimulate the release of dopamine, a neurochemical involved in the brain’s reward centres that can help manage cravings. A half-cup of cottage cheese, 2 hard-boiled eggs, or a cup of cooked oatmeal with two tablespoons of peanut butter will do the trick.

Craving sugar? Try eating a bowl of super-sweet sliced strawberries. What about chips? Crunch on salted, in-shell pistachios. Substituting what you’re jonesing for with a similar-tasting healthy equivalent should be enough to satisfy you.

Can’t get your hand out of the bag of cheesy chips? If you don’t understand why and can’t do anything about it, keep a cravings journal. It doesn’t have to be anything fancy, just jot down a few notes on your phone. When some craving hits, log your emotions: you’re tired, anxious, stressed, bored. Eventually, you’ll pick out common patterns, and you can deal with the causes head on, rather than trying to eat as a solution.

Satisfy your yearning and still eating healthy by pairing a larger portion of healthy foods with a small amount of what you think you want, it makes meals more fun and tasty, but still gives your body the nutrition it needs to function at its best, a “vice-virtue bundle.” Order the salad with grilled salmon with a side of chips or get a piece of grilled chicken and veggies and share dessert. Fill up on the good stuff, and eat a quarter to half a portion of the splurge.

It’s your friend’s birthday and there is cake. If you eat a slice, will you feel joyous or wracked with guilt? Delighting in delicious food rather than feeling shame about eating it may be key. Control your eating habits by enjoying the celebration and having a small piece. One reason? Feeling guilty may make you try to ignore your thoughts, a strategy that backfires, causing you to obsess over the cake even more.

Straight-up willpower doesn’t always work. It leads people to feeling like failures when they give in. Winning strategy? Distraction! One study found that three minutes spent playing the game Tetris reduced the strength of food cravings better than a control condition where people spent the same amount of time waiting around. A 15-minute walk can also help reduce chocolate cravings, reports a 2013 UK study. Since cravings usually don’t stick around long, you just need to stick it out momentarily.

The mental battle between you and the box of cookies in the pantry does not have to be fought every day. Out of sight, out of mind. If it’s 9 p.m. and you want a cookie, you’re probably not going to go out and get some, however, if they’re staring you in the face every time you open the pantry, it’s all too easy to grab one.

You’ve got good intentions: to eat well, you tell yourself that the doughnut is off limits or the burger is sinful or a “bad” food. But your perception matters. Dieters have more intense and harder-to-resist cravings than non-dieters or people who are just trying to maintain their weight, particularly for their off-limits foods.

When you deny yourself foods you love all the time, it will build up and explode,turning ‘cheat meal’ into ‘cheat day or weekend’! Allowing yourself a little something every day, whether you’re looking to lose weight or not, can help take the power away from your cravings.

Grilled cheese? Fudge-topped ice-cream? Pizza? Food porn is fun to look at, but don’t be shocked when suddenly you’re struck with a desire to run to the nearest fast food restaurant or ice cream parlour. Images of high-calorie foods spark more activity in the reward areas of the brain than photos of low-calorie fare. There are plenty of health bloggers out there who create delicious-looking-but-nutritious food, so if you can’t resist food porn, at least follow people who post pics of healthy eats.

Tiger Athletic is a private, appointment only gym in the heart of Sandton. Together changes everything. Let’s workout!

Cut Out “Low Fat Foods”

“Low fat,” “fat free,” or “reduced fat,” while these labels are fine for dairy products like milk, you shouldn’t automatically assume other types of foods are any better for your diet than the full-fat versions as more sugar, salt, and additives are added to make them taste good. The result is foods that are lower in fat, sure, but contain more sugar and more calories.

Many low-fat, reduced fat, and fat-free foods give you more than you bargained for: A recent UK study found that 10% of diet foods contain the same or more calories than the regular stuff, and that 40% had more sugar. When companies remove fat, they must use more sugar, salt, and additives to make the food taste better. Plus, research shows that a “low-fat” nutrition label leads all consumers, especially those who are overweight, to overeat.

Rindless bacon with the fat trimmed is lower in fat and calories than regular bacon—but not by much. One popular brand “fatless” bacon contains 35 calories and 3 grams of fat per serving, while center cut bacon (the leanest type of pork bacon) has 60 calories and 3.5 grams of fat. Both are processed meat products that are high in sodium and nitrites, which are linked to heart problems. The slimmer option: Either type of bacon can be a part of a healthy diet—as long as you enjoy it just once in a while, and in small portions. Use it more as a garnish than a main event by sprinkling crumbled strips over Brussels sprouts or atop a veggie-filled salad.

Low-fat bakery items like muffins and pastries aren’t any better for you than the full-fat varieties. A packaged low-fat blueberry muffin from one popular brand, for instance, packs 280 calories—that’s less than the regular muffin with 370 calories. But the low-fat one has more sugar (36 versus 29 grams), and just like the regular version, contains high fructose corn syrup. Another example: a reduced-fat blueberry muffin from a fast food chain contains 170 milligrams more sodium compared to the full-fat one. If you love baked goods, enjoy them on occasion. More often, do your own low-fat baking at home with clever ingredient swaps, like fruit purees or yogurt for some of the oil. You can also usually reduce the sugar in any recipe by one-third without changing the taste.

You should eat salad, but noshing on a fat-free salad coated with fat-free dressing will leave you super hungry in an hour. Food manufacturers add sugar or artificial sweetener to fat-free salad dressings to make them taste good, which can lead to blood sugar spikes that drive appetite. Another bonus of fat: it helps your body absorb beta-carotene and lycopene (both powerful antioxidants found in tomatoes, carrots, and red peppers), bottled dressings contain a laundry list of additives and preservatives. Your salad should have some fat in it, be it from full-fat salad dressing (make your own dressing at home with balsamic vinegar and oil), nuts, or seeds. Or you could slice some avocado on top of your greens: avocados are especially good for helping your body absorb the nutrients from your salad.

Two tablespoons of regular peanut butter contain 210 calories. The same amount of the reduced fat version? About 200 calories. When companies reduce fat, they add more sugar like corn syrup and additives to improve the taste and texture. Buy the real-deal full-fat peanut butter, choose one that has just two ingredients listed: peanuts and salt. Since peanut butter is calorie dense, it’s easy to overeat. Stick with a two-tablespoon serving.

You can buy egg substitutes in cartons in the refrigerated section of the grocery store, and they’re often used in omelettes at hotel buffets. They’re made from egg whites, stabilizers like guaran and colourings to give them that egg-y feel and taste for fewer calories and no fat. The problem is, the yolk—which has five grams of fat—is where all the good stuff is. The yolk contains choline, an essential nutrient that helps make a neurotransmitter involved in muscle function and memory, as well as immune-boosting vitamins A and D. Unless you have heart problems and your doctor has instructed you to limit your egg intake, eat the whole thing. In recent years, conventional wisdom on eggs has shifted from total avoidance too good to eat. Yes, they contain cholesterol, but a 2013 study in BMJ found that eating one egg a day didn’t increase risk for heart disease or stroke in healthy people.

Low-fat potato chips – one serving is 140 calories; the regular chips have 160 calories (and less sodium). The risk is thinking the reduced fat version is a healthier chip alternative and eating more than you would have otherwise. In fact, a Cornell study shows that we serve ourselves 25% more when foods are labelled low-fat compared to those without the label. Same goes for other popular low-fat salty snacks like pretzels (they’re just refined flour with a whole lot of salt), baked veggie straws (they contain very little actual veggies), and rice cakes, which are mostly air and carbs. Get your salty snack fix with roasted chickpeas or roasted edamame, which are packed with protein, or kale chips, which give you a huge dose of vitamin A, vitamin C, and antioxidants along with that satisfying crunch.

Oats and dried fruit sound healthy, most types of granola—”low fat” or not—sneak in sugar with names like brown rice syrup and evaporated cane juice. In fact, a serving of granola (just half to two-thirds of a cup) can have 17 grams of sugar. The super sweet start to your day will leave you with a blood sugar crash that has you reaching for snacks long before lunch. Top plain Greek yogurt—which contains up to 20 grams of satiating protein per serving—with a few tablespoons of whole grain cereal, nuts, and seeds.

Low-fat ice cream or frozen yogurt. It’s not that there’s anything wrong with fro-yo, but it’s easy to trick yourself into thinking that you can eat a large portion and pile it high with high-calorie candies. Frozen yogurt contains 17 grams of sugar per half-cup serving—same as ice cream. Have an infrequent (not daily) half-cup portion of something that you truly enjoy, even if it’s more decadent.

Fat-free yogurt often contains artificial color, added flavours and stabilizers, and more sugar to make it more palatable and eye-pleasing. What’s more, your body also needs some fat to absorb the vitamin D, and the added fat helps keep you satisfied. Depending on your calorie budget, opt for low-, reduced-, or even full-fat yogurt. A 2013 study found that eating high fat dairy was associated with having less body fat and lower odds obesity without increasing heart disease risk. If you do have fat-free yogurt, be sure to include some form of healthy fat with it, like almonds or pistachios.

Tiger Athletic Fitness & Conditioning motivates, assesses, trains and educates clients in a private, appointment only, personal trainer led facility providing an extraordinary simple, efficient and effective 50-minute workout in the heart of Sandton!

Fat Burning Foods

Certain foods have a thermogenic effect, you literally burn calories as you chew. Other have nutrients and compounds that crank up your metabolism. Stoke your metabolic fire by eating more of these foods, while cutting out unhealthy snacks and empty calories.

Whole grains – Your body burns twice as many calories breaking down whole foods (especially those rich in fibre such as oatmeal and brown rice) than processed foods.

Lean meats – Protein has a high thermogenic effect: You burn about 30% of the calories the food contains during digestion (so a 300-calorie chicken breast requires about 90 calories to break it down).

Low-fat dairy products – Rich in calcium and vitamin D, these helps preserve and build muscle mass—essential for maintaining a robust metabolism.

Green tea – Drinking four cups of green tea a day helped people shed more than three kilograms in eight weeks, the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports. Credit EGCG, a compound in the brew that temporarily speeds metabolism after sipping it. To up your intake, keep a jug of iced tea in the fridge.

Lentils – One cup packs 35% of your daily iron needs—good news, since up to 20% of us are iron- deficient. When you lack a nutrient, your metabolism slows because the body’s not getting what it needs to work efficiently.

Hot peppers – Capsaicin, the compound that gives chili peppers their kick, heats up your body, which makes you melt additional calories. You can get it by eating raw, cooked, dried, or powdered peppers. Add as much cayenne or hot sauce as possible to soups, eggs, and meats.

We are passionate about helping you be the healthiest you can be through custom fitness and nutrition solutions based on health and fitness appraisal, motivation, coaching science, education and your goals.

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Stock Up On Superfoods

It’s important to keep a stock of healthy foods that allow you to put together a healthy meal at a moment’s notice. When eating out it is easy to consume north of 200 extra calories, making eating at home a no brainer when it comes to eating healthier and helping you kick the spare tyre.

A well-stocked kitchen allows you to throw together a fast, flavourful meal after a long day. And, when you wake up and must dash out the door for work, it pays to have grab-and-go breakfast and snack options on hand. Here are some essential foods:

Extra-virgin olive oil – Olive oil is one of the reasons why the – Mediterranean diet is considered one of the healthiest in the world. Cook with it, but also drizzle over finished dishes, like grilled fish, pasta, and vegetables sides. Even though it is good fat, one tablespoon still packs 120 calories so use it sparingly.

Non-fat Greek yogurt – Greek yogurt is packed with 18 grams of protein per 170g serving. Though it’s creamy and seems indulgent, it contains just 100 calories per serving. Greek yogurt makes a great low-calorie and low-fat substitute in recipes for mayo and sour cream.

Canned olives – They have a long shelf life, they can be thrown into a variety of dishes, and they have heart-healthy monounsaturated fats. Go for all-natural without added sodium. Throw them on top of salads, stir them into pastas, or try snacking on them. You can eat 10 for about 50 calories.

Honey – It’ll last in your cupboard for years. In addition to being a versatile sweetener, honey can serve as a hangover helper, cough soother, and more. Sweeten homemade marinades and salad dressings and incorporate it into whole-grain baking. Whole wheat flour can be denser, but adding honey in place of regular sugar keeps things tender and moist. In recipes that call for sugar, swap in an equal amount of honey.

Beans – Inexpensive, a great source of protein and fibre. One cup of chickpeas, for example, contains 15 grams of protein and 12 grams of fibre!

Quinoa – One cup of cooked quinoa contains 8 grams of protein and 5 grams of fibre for just 222 calories, this wholegrain is a good source of energizing iron and B vitamins and is one of the speediest grains to cook; it’s ready in 15 minutes. Combine cooked quinoa with shredded chicken, chopped veggies, and toss with olive oil, lemon juice, salt and pepper or, eat quinoa hot as a substitute for oatmeal. Stir in almond milk, dried fruit, nuts, and drizzle with honey.

Eggs – One egg contains six grams of protein for only 70 calories. One study found that overweight women who ate egg breakfasts lost twice as much weight as women who started their days with bread. Hard boil a bunch at the beginning of the week for an on-the-go breakfast or snack with a piece of cheese and fruit, or, throw a fried egg on top of a rice-and-veggie bowl or a salad for an extra dose of protein.

Sea salt – doctors recommend limiting your salt intake, excess sodium is often a problem in prepared and processed foods, not the foods you cook yourself. Adding a sprinkle of salt to the foods you cook in your kitchen helps flavours pop. Use just like you would regular salt, sea salt contains a higher mineral content than regular table salt.

Tomato paste – adds a great umami flavour, or a richness to food that you’re trying to keep low in calories and fat. Tomatoes, particularly tomato paste, are bursting with cancer-fighting lycopene. Use it to add an extra layer of flavour to curries and stir-fries.

Fresh herbs – packed with a surprising number of antioxidants they add a wonderful flavour to any dish. Herbs also give new life when used on leftovers or make already-prepared foods taste homemade.

Bananas – They’re economical, available all year, and supply a nice sweetness to foods like smoothies and plain yogurt without adding sugar.

Dark chocolate – Provides powerful disease-fighting polyphenols and has even been associated with weight loss. You can also use it as a surprise ingredient in sauces. For example, throw one square into a braising sauce for meat to elevate the flavour.

Garlic – Allows you to add flavour to your dishes quickly and easily without unhealthy fats or processed ingredients. Add to soups, stews, sautés, stir-fry, and marinades.

Frozen Shrimp – Four large shrimp are only 30 calories and contain virtually no fat. Shrimp also offer up a hefty dose of protein. Buy them peeled and deveined so they can be easily defrosted and incorporated into last-minute weeknight meals

Mustard – Packed with the immune-boosting mineral selenium and turmeric, a spice (that gives it its yellow pigment) with cancer-fighting properties. Keep a couple different varieties in your refrigerator, that includes Dijon for salad dressings, sauces, marinades, and in a coating for breading chicken and pork. Grain mustard is another favourite as a spread on sandwiches.

Flavoured Vinegar – This specialty ingredient is versatile and its heart healthy: Vinegar helps open your blood vessels to improve blood flow. Flavours like blackberry or strawberry balsamic can be drizzled to brighten the flavour of salads for few calories (1 teaspoon contains about 5).

Oatmeal – Improves appetite control and increases satiety. Known for helping to lower cholesterol numbers.

Herbs de Provence – This easy-to-find dried herb blend features thyme, rosemary, basil, parsley, oregano, tarragon, marjoram, and lavender that adds a nice herbaceous seasoning for any dish. Sprinkle on chicken, potatoes, grilled veggies. Also makes a great seasoning for eggs, combined with panko as a crust for fish, or on pizza.

Broth – You can keep a carton in your pantry for a long time until you’re ready to use it. It’s low in calories (one cup contains 38) with 5 grams of protein. Whether chicken, beef or veggie, use to make soups, stews, and chillies. It also makes a great substitute for oil when sautéing vegetables. Store leftover broth in ice cube trays in the freezer for quick access. When buying broth, read the ingredients list and avoiding those that contain added sugar and caramel colouring. Buy low-sodium whenever possible.

Ground chicken and turkey – Buying lean ground turkey or chicken breast saves on saturated fat compared to ground beef. Store in your freezer and thaw when ready to eat. It’s one meat that cooks in a jiffy and can be used in stir-fries, meat sauces, tacos, enchiladas, stuffed peppers, or rice bowls.

Tiger Athletic is a private, appointment only strength & conditioning gym in the heart of Sandton offering tailor made, goal oriented  fitness programs uniquely based on an individualised approach to health and fitness assessment, motivation, goal setting, coaching science and client education.

Your personal trainer is a coaching science graduate and holds a 6th degree black belt in Karate with 25 years experience as a high performance athlete and coach. He designs safe and effective exercise programs and provides the guidance to help clients achieve their personal goals through one on one’ or small group training.

Let’s chat about your health.