Head Personal Trainer

A Line From Our Certified Coach

Many people dream of losing weight and getting, into a better state of health, looking beautiful, and brimming with confidence. Most of us think that the first step towards getting healthier is the biggest challenge, it often is but once we overcome this, the immediate challenge is not to quit halfway, to finish what we started.

Having successfully walked this path from beginning to end with different profiles of clients, I understand what can make you quit, which nutritional advice and exercises will work for you to enjoy the process of personal growth you go through when you decide to better yourself and to keep you steadily working towards your goals.

Tiger Athletic is the result of working successfully with many different profiles of clients and analyzing their profiles for trends in causal factors as well as helpful interventions. Our gym houses many unique bilateral strength & conditioning machines, free weights, and equipment, and a purpose-built facility that together with customized workouts and a certified trainer all but guarantees your success. We make no crazy changes to your regular diet, but rather advise you to eat better-tasting and more nutritious options.

You must seek advice from your doctor or healthcare provider before embarking on a new exercise regimen. We often overestimate our ability and knowledge or underestimate what we are capable of and what are safe options for us regarding our health, seeing a qualified healthcare professional makes your journey safer.

On a more personal note, I get excited when I see results in my clients, healthier, happier, stronger, and faster. Let’s work out.

The Truth About Fasting

So, what’s a fast?

Simply put, it means you stop eating completely, or almost completely, for a certain stretch of time. A fast usually lasts from 12 to 24 hours, but some types continue for days at a time. In some cases, you may be allowed water, tea, and coffee, or even a small amount of food during the “fasting period.”

Turns out, we’ve been doing this for a while.

Fasting is common to just about every major religious tradition, like Buddhism, Christianity, Hinduism, Islam, and Judaism. In ancient Greece, Hippocrates believed it helped the body heal itself. During Ramadan, many Muslims fast from dawn to sunset, every day for a month. This has provided scientists with quite a bit of information about what happens to your body when you fast, and the news is mostly good.

What motivates people to fast?

Besides religious practice, there are several health reasons. First, as you might guess, is weight loss. There’s also research showing that certain types of fasting may help improve your cholesterol, blood pressure, glucose levels, insulin sensitivity, and other health issues.

Yes, You’ll feel like you’re starving.

Well, at least in the beginning. After a few days, however, the hunger usually gets better. Fasting is different from dieting in that it’s not about trimming calories or a certain type of food — it’s not eating at all, or severely cutting back, for a certain amount of time.

How safe is it to fast?

Brief fasting isn’t likely to hurt you if you’re a healthy adult, whether your weight is normal or you’re heavier. Still, your body needs good nutrition and fuel to thrive. So make sure to talk to your doctor first, especially if you have health problems or take any kind of medication. If you’re pregnant, breastfeeding or you have a history of eating disorders, you should avoid fasting of any kind. Kids and teens shouldn’t fast either.

What am I allowed to eat then?

When you’re not fasting, you can eat the food you normally would. Of course, you shouldn’t load up on lots of french fries and doughnuts. But studies seem to show that your health changes for the better when you fast, even if your diet does not. You should still add more fruits, veggies, and whole grains, too, if you don’t already eat enough of them.

“I’m likely to just eat more later”, you might reason.

You might. Still, you should try to eat a healthy amount of food and not stuff yourself after a fast. Quality still counts. But even among people who eat the same number of calories, those who fast tend to have lower blood pressure, higher insulin sensitivity, more appetite control, and easier weight loss.

What is Intermittent Fasting?

This is an off-and-on type of fasting. There are three main types that doctors have studied and people have used for weight loss and improved health:

  1. Time-restricted feeding
  2. Alternate-day fasting
  3. Modified fasting

Time-Restricted Feeding

This means you do all your eating in a certain stretch of the day, often around 8-12 hours. One easy way to do this is to skip one meal. If you finish dinner by 8 p.m., you’ve already achieved 12 hours of your fast by 8 a.m. Make it to noon for lunch, and you’ve fasted for 16 hours. You could also stop eating after lunch until breakfast the next morning.

Alternate-Day Fasting

It’s sometimes called “complete” alternate day fasting because the time when you don’t eat lasts a full 24 hours. You follow that with one or more “feast” days when you can eat as much as you want. Even though the studies are very limited, the results suggest that alternate-day fasting can lead to weight loss and improve health. But it may be pretty hard to stick to it over the long term.

Modified Fasting

This type allows you to eat around 20% to 25% of your normal daily energy needs on scheduled fast days — just enough to remind you what you’re missing! One popular version, the 5:2 diet, requires 2 days a week (not in a row) of 24-hour “fasting” except for a very light meal. On the other 5 days of the week, you can eat whatever you want.

Too Tough?

Complete, alternate-day fasting could be very hard to stick with over the long term. But other versions of fasting seem to get easier over time. You and your doctor may want to look into the specific plans to see what might be best for you.


Some studies show that fasting might help people with diabetes or prediabetes control blood sugar, improve insulin sensitivity, and lose weight. Other recent research looking at time-restricted fasting disputes some of these claims. If you have either of these conditions, it’s very important to talk to your doctor before you make any changes to your medication, insulin use, or eating habits.


Weight training may help you shed more body fat — but not muscle — when added to any weight loss program. Aerobic exercise like running, swimming or biking while on a time-restricted eating plan might help your cholesterol levels as well as cut down on belly fat. Still, you need good fuel. Make sure you cover your nutritional needs.

Strength & Conditioning

We offer a personalized, 1 on 1 10-week exercise and nutrition program with a certified personal trainer, in our private, purpose-built gym. Sessions would be three times per week, at 30 minutes per session. Participants perform three to six different strength exercises in a typical session, doing three sets of eight to 12 repetitions (each set lasting 25 to 35 seconds) for each exercise. The exercises change from session to session, progressing in intensity from week to week. Your personal trainer will gradually increase your weight load, roughly doubling in 10 weeks.

This is an intensive program and participants are carefully supervised by a Certified Personal Trainer. As your personal trainer, I highly recommend that before you embark on a similar program you book a consult with me, an exercise specialist who can help design a program for your needs and make sure that you’re doing the exercises correctly.

I also cannot stress the importance of consulting with your doctor or healthcare provider before you embark on a new exercise regimen. As your personal trainer all programs I offer require you to undergo a physical activity readiness questioner as your health and safety needs precede all aesthetic goals.

Tiger Athletic is a modern, private, appointment-only gym in Sandton, Johannesburg using a rigorous, results-focused methodology we are passionate about helping you be the healthiest version of yourself, so you can lead a more fulfilling personal and professional life.

Our sessions are strictly 1 on 1 just you and your trainer. There is nobody else in the gym and all equipment used is sanitized at the end of each session for the safety of all my clients.

Let’s Workout.

Strength & Conditioning for the management of chronic neck pain

Neck pain is something we all experience at some point in our lives. The most common cause is the overuse or misuse of muscles and ligaments. The modern workplace or method is dominated by the use of computers, this is especially tough on the muscles of the neck because of the long periods with shoulders slumped and heads extended toward the monitor.

Considerable study has been devoted to the treatment of chronic neck pain. Common interventions include medication, chiropractic manipulation, electrical nerve stimulation, massage, and various forms of exercise. Results so far have been inconsistent and difficult to compare, and the quality of research has been uneven. Still, there’s mounting evidence that certain exercises designed to strengthen neck muscles can help break longstanding cycles of neck pain.

A randomized trial has found that women with work-related neck pain experienced significant and long-lasting relief by regularly practicing five specific neck muscle–strengthening exercises. General fitness workouts, by contrast, reduced the pain only slightly. Results were published in the January 2008 issue of Arthritis Care and Research.

The Study

Danish scientists at the National Research Center for the Working Environment in Copenhagen recruited women engaged in repetitive work, mostly at computer keyboards, at banks, post offices, administrative offices, and an industrial facility. All complained of neck pain lasting more than a month during the previous year. They were eligible for the study if physical examinations showed they had trapezius myalgia, chronic pain and tightness in the muscles that run down the back of the neck and fan out toward the shoulders.

Participants were divided randomly into three groups. One group received strength training focused on neck and shoulder muscles. The second group received general fitness training, which consisted of riding an exercise bike without holding onto the handlebars. The third group was given only health counseling. The two exercise groups worked out for 20 minutes three times a week for 10 weeks.

The women rated pain intensity in the trapezius muscles immediately before and immediately after each training session and two hours after each workout. The strength training group experienced a 75% decrease in pain, on average, during the intervention as well as during a 10-week follow-up period involving no workouts.

General fitness training resulted in only a short-term decrease in pain that was too small to be considered clinically important, although the researchers did suggest that even a little reduction in pain severity could encourage people to give exercise a try. There was no improvement in the health counseling group.


This study isn’t the final word on relieving chronic neck pain. The number of participants (48) was small, and most of the women were under age 60. The results may not apply to women who are older or have conditions that limit their ability to strength train.
Still, the findings suggest that performing specific muscle-strengthening exercises may be a helpful strategy for many women with chronic neck pain. (The researchers have investigated the effectiveness of each exercise with electromyography, which measures muscle-generated electrical activity. Results will be published in the journal Physical Therapy.)

The Strength & Conditioning Program For Managing Chronic Neck Pain

The strength & conditioning program for managing chronic neck pain is an advancement in the training used in the Danish study which consisted of only five exercises that involved the use of hand weights to strengthen neck and shoulder muscles, to include stretches and conditioning exercises to eliminate pain and weakness in the form and function of the neck.

This is a 10 week program with a certified personal trainer. Sessions are held three times per week, at 30 minutes per session. In a typical session participants perform three to six different strength exercises, doing three sets of eight to 12 repetitions (each set lasting 25 to 35 seconds) for each exercise. The exercises change from session to session, progressing in intensity from week to week. Your personal trainer will gradually increase your weight load, roughly doubling in 10 weeks.

This is an intensive program and participants are carefully supervised by a Certified Personal Trainer. As your personal trainer, I highly recommend that before you embark on a similar program you book a consult with me, an exercise specialist who can help design a program for your needs and make sure that you’re doing the exercises correctly.

I also cannot stress the importance of consulting with your doctor or healthcare provider before you embark on a new exercise regiment. As your personal trainer all programs I offer require you to undergo a physical activity readiness questioner as your health and safety needs precede all aesthetic goals.

Tiger Athletic is a modern, private, appointment-only gym in Sandton, Johannesburg using a rigorous, results-focused methodology we are passionate about helping you be the healthiest version of yourself, so you can lead a more fulfilling personal and professional life.

Our sessions are strictly 1 on 1 just you and your trainer. There is nobody else in the gym and all equipment used is sanitized at the end of each session for the safety of all my clients.

Let’s Workout.

Tiger Athletic: Corrective Exercise To Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals

Corrective exercise is often overlooked as a tool by personal trainers and fitness professionals to help clients reach their goals for the simple reason that most trainers aren’t qualified to deliver at this specialized level. It’s not glamorous like HIIT workouts or powerlifting as it requires an in-depth knowledge of anatomy and physiology, however, Tiger Athletic: Corrective Exercise To Help You Reach Your Fitness Goals

There are many reasons we make corrective exercises a part of each client’s training routine:

  • Pain relief,
  • Greater mobility,
  • Injury prevention,
  • And injury recovery.

These are all important, and what most people think about when considering corrective exercise, but what many trainers don’t realize is that corrective work isn’t just for people already in pain or suffering an injury.
Corrective exercise is also great for improving athletic performance and getting to fitness goals faster. Here’s what you need to know about the importance of corrective exercise and why I implement it with all of my clients.

What is Corrective Exercise?

Corrective exercise is very much like how it sounds. It is any type of exercise that helps correct some faulty movement or positioning in the body that contributes to or causes pain, injury, or other dysfunction. If you are not moving correctly or have poor form, I can use corrective exercises to modify and fix it.
The overreaching goal of corrective exercises is to improve movements and positioning of the body to improve both athletic performance and everyday life. As your personal trainer and a practitioner of corrective exercise, I identify poor patterns in movement and look for the underlying causes. With an understanding of this, I can then determine the simplest exercise that will correct them.
The actual corrective exercises you might use to help you are numerous and vary depending on individual needs. Some examples and types of exercises used for correction include:

  • Foam rolling for stretching and myofascial release.
  • Corrective breathing exercises to promote optimal motor learning.
  • Structural alignments for trunk stability, such as exercises to align the pelvis and trunk stability rolls.
  • Postural stability holds.
  • Hardstyle plank to activate multiple muscles, including those that are underactive.
  • Reverse lunges with a band to take pressure off knees and strengthen muscles for lower back pain relief.
  • Exercises to correct hip hinge posture.
  • Postural stability holds with head movements to correct shoulder and arm dysfunctions.
  • Activating the posterior tibialis for correcting foot alignment.
  • Exercises to correct posture and form while standing and sitting at a desk.

These are just a few examples of the many different corrective exercises I use with clients to improve form and movement and to develop fitness while relieving pain and preventing injuries.

Beyond How Corrective Exercise Helps Clients Reach Fitness Goals – Quality of Life

As a personal trainer, my responsibility to clients goes beyond hitting fitness goals. Fitness is important, of course, but correct movements, reduced chronic pain, and fewer injuries are other factors I help clients improve. Using corrective exercises to work on these allows me to help my clients enjoy an overall better quality of life.

Relieving Pain

Many of the aches and pains of daily life can be attributed to tight muscles, movement dysfunctions, and similar issues. A sore lower back may be related to weakness in core muscles, while neck pain can be caused by poor posture, for example. I assess my client to figure out what kind of dysfunction is causing the pain, then select a few targeted, regular exercises that can fix it.

Restoring Mobility

Chronic pain, motor dysfunction, tight joints, and other similar issues that correction can address often restrict mobility. Pain and mobility especially go hand-in-hand. If you can correct one, you can fix both. Corrective exercise has the potential to allow my client to move more freely.

For instance, when I have an older client who is finding functional movements more difficult, strengthening key muscles can make everything from getting into the car to lifting groceries easier and less painful greatly improving their quality of life.

Recovering From and Preventing Injury

Injuries hold us back in so many ways. Even for non-athletes, being injured means being sidelined from life. A good corrective exercise program can prevent injuries by fixing dysfunctions of movement. A well-designed program can also help a client recover more quickly from an injury by balancing muscle strength and improving joint movements.

The Benefits of Corrective Exercise for Fitness

A corrective exercise program that is targeted to an individual client’s needs, deficiencies, and goals can help improve their overall fitness. It can also improve specific areas of fitness and help them reach their goals more quickly, whether the goal is to be able to work out with less pain or to run a marathon.

How Corrective Exercise Helps Clients Reach Fitness Goals by Improving Efficiency

One of the simplest strategies I can implement corrective exercises with my clients is by fixing how they perform specific training moves. For instance, if I have a client who cannot complete a lunge without bringing their front knee past their toes, it’s fairly easy to correct.
I show the client the right form and have them practice the move keeping the knee in the right position. With time and focus and they will correct it and be able to do lunges correctly and get all the strength benefits from them.
This kind of corrective exercise work is usually the first thing I try. If poor form continues, there may be an underlying issue that will require other corrective moves, such as stretches, foam rolling, or the strengthening of specific muscles.
But, it’s ideal when my corrections of form improve how you perform actual exercises this, in turn, improves your strength, flexibility, power, or conditioning. I train my client more efficiently by not taking time away from these important exercises or spending more time than is needed on stretches and other corrective moves. With more focus on actual workouts and more effective movements, my clients reach fitness goals more quickly and efficiently.

Corrective Exercises Gets Clients off the Bench

Clients suffering from injuries need corrective work to get them back into the game sooner. My clients cannot meet their goals if they are unable to work out or practice due to an injury. The quicker I can get them back to normal functioning with corrective exercises, the closer they will be to achieving those fitness goals.
For some clients, a fitness goal is simply being able to be active without pain. That pain may come from an old injury, or it may come from muscle imbalances and dysfunctional movements. In any case, I can help them meet that goal using corrective exercises to relieve pain and improve mobility.

Preventing Injuries in the First Place

It’s not possible to prevent all injuries or to assure my clients that if they follow my program they won’t get hurt. However, with corrective exercise work, it is possible to reduce the risk of injuries. This is because the work I do will make your body more durable, more able to withstand the wear and tear of daily life, sports participation, and accidents.
I can do this for my clients by working on strategic areas of corrective exercise: strengthening key muscles and those that are comparably weak, strengthening joints, increasing joint and muscle flexibility, improving mobility, and improving the ability to activate and control muscles and body movements.

Improving Performance

Anyone, from athletes to newbies in the gym, can improve their athletic performance. Whether it’s Super Rugby Athlete or a weekend warrior I’m coaching to a new goal or new runner looking to do a sub-30 minute 5k, everyone can improve.
Corrective exercises help improve performance in several ways. They can be used to strengthen weaker, underutilized muscles; they can improve poor motor control in specific types of movements, and they can relieve stiffness in joints and increase range of motion.
Depending on my client’s sport and individual goals, I choose the right exercises to correct what holds them back from peak performance.

Who Can Benefit from Corrective Exercise?

All of my clients benefit from corrective exercise. The way most of us live our modern lives is a recipe for functional movement disaster. We spend hours at a desk or hunched over a smartphone. Then, many of us jump into action doing some pretty extreme sports, like CrossFit and powerlifting.
The sedentary lifestyle with poor posture alone is enough for most of us to be able to benefit from corrective exercise. But this, combined with extreme exercise sessions, means everyone will see improvements in movement, pain, injury, performance, and fitness goals.

Bad Posture

Inactivity is one of the leading risk factors for poor overall health. But what makes modern sedentary lifestyles even more damaging is the fact that we tend to combine inactivity with very poor posture. Many people spend hours a day with computers or devices, shoulders anteriorly rotated, spine rounded, and head tipped forward, putting tremendous pressure on the neck, shoulders, and spine.

Explosive Physical Activity, Followed by Inactivity

Another modern phenomenon is that many of us spend an hour or so per day engaged in explosive athletic activities. High-intensity workouts are popular, so many of us go from sitting with poor posture for hours on end to engaging in these complex movements for which our bodies are not really prepared.

The meeting point of inactivity, poor posture, and intense workouts leads to a high degree of movement dysfunction. But, of course, as your trainer, I know that this can be fixed. Anyone can benefit from some type of corrective exercise to improve posture during inactive hours and form when working out.

Using corrective exercises to help your clients is a skill developed training and coaching for two decades. Basic form adjustments are within the wheelhouse of most certified trainers. But to really delve into helping clients move better to perfect form, prevent injuries, reduce pain, and perform better athletically, you need a corrective exercise specialist.

Some clients in certain situations will need a doctor or physical therapist. Trainers, unfortunately, cannot fix everything. As your personal trainer, I always recommend that you engage with your primary healthcare provider before engaging in any new form of exercise.

You’ll want to go for steady progress over time and to make lifestyle changes that work for you for the long run. That way you can start losing weight and feel better.

Tiger Athletic is a modern, private, appointment-only gym in Sandton, Johannesburg using a rigorous, results-focused methodology we are passionate about helping you be the healthiest version of yourself, so you can lead a more fulfilling personal and professional life.

Our sessions are strictly 1 on 1 just you and your trainer. There is nobody else in the gym and all equipment used is sanitized at the end of each session for the safety of all my clients.

Gym After Gastric Sleeve Surgery: Timeline, Workout Plan & Options You Can Follow.

Congratulations on taking a massive step towards regaining control over your health. Now that you’ve had gastric surgery, you’ll probably be chomping at the bit, wanting to start working out so you can really start shedding weight. One question you might be asking yourself, ” When can I get back to the gym after gastric sleeve surgery and start exercising again?

An awesome question with a simple and straightforward answer, you just need to get the timing right. Often, your healthcare practitioner will tell you, to start exercising in some capacity before your surgery to help get yourself ready, as well as try and establish the habit of exercise that you will need to have post-op.

For our post-op programs at Tiger Athletic, we follow guidelines from, The American Society for Metabolic and Bariatric Surgery (ASMBS) which recommends mild exercise (including cardiovascular exercise and light resistance training) 20 min/day 3–4 days/week before having your surgery, to improve cardiovascular fitness, reduce the risk of surgical complications, promote healing and enhance postoperative recovery.

Our personal trainer-led programs will help you establish this habit before surgery which will make it much easier to get back into your regular workout routine once your surgery has been completed and you have been given the go-ahead to start exercising again by your surgeon.

How long should I wait before going back to the gym after bariatric surgery?

As your personal trainer, I cannot stress how important it is important to understand that after your surgery, you will need to be careful not to overdo it with exercising or perform any exercises that could be damaging to your incision as this will cause more harm than good.

It’s a general rule of thumb that you wait at least 1-2 weeks before starting to exercise, which will just be walking.

For the first 6-8 weeks, you will want to stick to just walking to allow your body to recover and heal properly as well as help you get used to your new changing body.

We offer a free resource, Get moving by joining the Tiger Athletic 10 000 steps per day challenge

Timeline for exercise after bariatric surgery

1 Month

Light walking starts at 10 minutes per day and working your way up to 30 minutes per day, 5 days a week. If you find it difficult to walk for long durations at one time, you can split it up into 2-3 sessions throughout the day totaling 30 minutes. If you need guidance, support, or just a hand, join the Tiger Athletic 10000 Steps A Day Challenge.

2 – 3 Months

Once your body has adapted to walking and you have worked up to 150 minutes a week, you can start to add in some more variety. If you go to a gym you can try some different types of cardio machines like the elliptical or stationary bike.
You can also start aqua aerobics (as long as your incision is completely healed). This is especially great because you can work the whole body while also keeping the stress off your joints.

4 – 6 Months

This is where you can start to add resistance training (weights) to your weekly routine. Always start with light weights and lower volume and then progressively work your way up as your tolerance increases.
It should be noted that exercises that require more experience can be more difficult since you are still getting used to your changing body and rapid weight loss.This can affect balance and coordination which will make it more difficult to perform these exercises. Please use caution or avoid these during this period.

6 – 12 Months

You should now be able to perform both cardiovascular and strength training regularly without issue. You still want to be mindful and make sure you aren’t doing anything that your body can’t handle but you can absolutely start pushing yourself harder.

12+ Months

As your personal trainer, one-year post-op, I’ll start increasing the intensity and frequency of which you work out. Also, I’ll start adding core/abdominal exercises to your routine as long as your surgeon or exercise physiologist gives you the go-ahead, to avoid doing any damage to the incision site and possibly causing any hernias near or at the incision.

Please note that immediately after surgery, your body is going to rapidly change while also trying to heal from the procedure, so as your personal trainer, I have to make sure you are not overdoing it. Making sure, that you start out very light, and then you can increase the intensity over time, once you have had time to heal and allow your body to adapt.

Example of Walking Progression

Week 1: Monday – Friday Walk 5-10 minutes 2-3x day Week 2: Monday – Friday Walk 10-15 minutes 2-3x day Week 3: Monday – Sunday Walk 15 minutes 2x day Week 4: Monday – Sunday Walk 30 minutes 1x day

The importance of exercise after surgery

Exercising after bariatric surgery will not only improve your quality of life but will also help you reach and/or maintain your weight loss goals quicker and more efficiently.

Here are some of the benefits you can expect to see from exercising post-op:

  • Increased cardiovascular endurance
  • Healthier heart
  • Decrease body fat
  • Increase lean body mass (muscle)
  • Increased mood
  • Decrease chances of disease and illness

Tiger Athletic is a private sport and rehabilitation practice in Sandton, Johannesburg. We offer personalized 1 on 1 fitness programs with a highly qualified and motivated personal trainer.

The following are just a few examples of the options we offer, they have also been set out as a free resource to guide or help people who may be on the fence or unable to train at Tiger Athletic. but you can see that exercise has wonderful benefits and will absolutely help you in the long run!

Real exercise plans you can start today

Walking (starting 2 weeks after surgery)

  • Walk 10-15 minutes, 2-3 times per day (30 minutes total) or you can walk the entire 30 minutes at one time
  • Start with 5 days a week and work up to 150 minutes per week
  • Walking is a great way to get your heart rate up, burn calories, and you can do it anywhere

Resistance Training (4 to 6 months after surgery)

The American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends the following as general guidelines

  • Exercising 2-3 days per week (Non-consecutive)
  • Performing 8-10 total exercises per workout
  • Completing 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps per exercise
  • 30-60 seconds of rest between exercises

Monday, Wednesday, and Friday

Pick one exercise per body part and perform 2-3 sets of 8-12 reps


  • Bodyweight squat – 2 x 8-12
  • Incline pushup – 2 x 8-12
  • Cable low row – 2 x 8-12
  • Standing dumbbell shoulder press – 2 x 8-12
  • Standing dumbbell curl – 2 x 8-12
  • Dumbbell triceps kickbacks – 2 x 8-12
  • Machine seated hamstring curl – 2 x 8-12

This is just an example but it is important to note that each body part is being worked in this workout. If you feel one of these exercises doesn’t work for you and think that you can’t do it, try your best to find a good substitute.

You could do this exact workout right now and use it for the next 12 weeks before you need to change any exercises. Yoga Yoga is an ancient practice that uses breathing techniques, balance, and focus to achieve health and happiness. Incorporating this into your weekly routine could be a great idea.

  • Join a yoga class or find a good yoga video online and do this 1-2 times per week
  • You can always work up to more days

This will help with balance, flexibility, and core strength. People also find yoga to be a good way to clear their minds while also being able to engage in physical activity. Dancing/Zumba Zumba combines dancing/rhythm and movement with exercise to help elevate heart rate and improve cardiovascular fitness. Consider doing a Zumba class as part of your cardo one day and see how you like it.

  • Join a Zumba class or find a good video online and do this 1-2 times per week
  • You can always work up to more days

One thing that seems to really appeal to people when it comes to Zumba is that it usually involves being a part of a class where you are with other similar people who can use each other as motivation and accountability.

Important Nuggets

Make sure to always get clearance from your surgeon before starting any kind of exercise program. They are best suited to know when it will be best for you to begin. You want to always start with lower intensity and gradually work your way up as your body adjusts to the new lifestyle and rapid weight loss. This will help you avoid injury and other issues that can come with pushing too hard too soon. Your Tiger Athletic personal trainer conducts a continuous assessment to effectively manage both your safety and the effectiveness of your training program.

No matter what, make sure you are doing some kind of physical activity. This will play a huge role in your long-term success as well as your overall health. Some people believe that it has to be all or nothing, and that is not the case, and as your personal trainer, ill be able to show you how with lifestyle tips, recipes, nutritional advice, and motivation.

If it takes you a little longer to get into a routine or habit of exercise, that is perfectly fine. Just make sure that you are always looking to improve and never let yourself give up! As your personal trainer, I’d like you to know that I fully understand if somedays you feel less motivated than others to work out, especially in the beginning 12 weeks, we call this time, ‘the resistance phase’, so named because of what your mind has set out to achieve and how your body may be feeling may be incongruous. It takes time for thought and physical action to be on the same page, relax, be patient, and kind to yourself.

Tiger Athletic is a modern, private, appointment-only gym in Sandton, Johannesburg using a rigorous, results-focused methodology. We are passionate about helping you be the healthiest version of yourself, so you can lead a more fulfilling personal and professional life.

The Origins Of Karate

“You may train for a long, long time. But if you merely move your hands and feet and jump up and down like a puppet, learning karate is not vastly different from learning to dance. You will never have reached the heart of the matter; you will have failed to grasp the quintessence of karate-do.” – GICHIN FUNAKOSHI

In 1916 Gichin Funakoshi introduced Karate into Japan from Okinawa. Karate means Empty Hand. Gichin Funakoshi (船越 義珍, Funakoshi Gichin, November 10, 1868 – April 26, 1957) is the founder of Shotokan Karate-Do, perhaps the most widely known style of karate, and is known as a “father of modern karate”.

Following the teachings of Anko Itosu and Anko Asato, he was one of the Okinawan karate masters who introduced karate to the Japanese mainland in 1922. He taught karate at various Japanese universities and became honorary head of the Japan Karate Association upon its establishment in 1949. 

Karate is thought to have been started in India by a Buddhist priest called Bhodidarma, who wished to take Zen (a sect of Buddhism) to the Chinese. The Buddhist priests learnt how to fight to defend themselves from bandits and wild animals as they wandered.

In about AD 500, Bhodidarma reached the court of Emperor Wu at Chein-K’ang in China, where he was warmly received. He left the courts, eventually reaching the Henan Province and went into seclusion in the Shaolin temple (Shorin in Japanese) to teach Zen. He also taught his system of unarmed combat called Shorin Kempo.

Forms of Chinese combat have been recorded as far back as 3000 BC. Gichin Funakoshi (船越 義珍, Funakoshi Gichin, November 10, 1868 – April 26, 1957) is the founder of Shotokan Karate-Do, perhaps the most widely known style of karate, and is known as a “father of modern karate”. Following the teachings of Anko Itosu and Anko Asato, he was one of the Okinawan karate masters who introduced karate to the Japanese mainland in 1922.

He taught karate at various Japanese universities and became honorary head of the Japan Karate Association upon its establishment in 1949.  is credited with being the founder of Chinese Kempo, mainly because he added the meditative practices of Yoga and Zen, making it a more complete system, as we know it today.

Zen is inseparably linked with Karate and every Master of Karate seeks a more enlightened experience by studying Zen; in fact, all the developments in Shorin Kempo were achieved by various priests, through the years. Finally, the close connection between priests and medicine resulted in the discovery not only of vital spots on the human body where cures could be applied but also where Kempo attacks could be directed for the best results.

From China, Kempo spread north to Mongolia, east to Korea and south-east to Okinawa. Eventually it reached Japan, where it became extremely popular after the Kamakure era (about AD 1200). The soldier class, the Samurai, welcomed both the combat forms and the Zen philosophy. The morality and mysticism of Zen Buddhism appealed to their sensibilities but the real attraction was the way it provided them with a discipline which made them capable of great endurance and excellence in fighting, through the development of insight into both themselves and their opponents.

At various times in history – for instance in 1400 and again in 1609, in Okinawa- the authorities forbade the populace to use arms. As a means of protection against the bandits, and sometimes against the authorities, unarmed combat became widely taught. The schools, themselves usually confined to the temples, were nevertheless kept secret, because if discovered they would have been immediately wiped out by those in power. It was not until 1901 that Karate, as we now know it, was brought out of secret study and taught openly in Okinawa.

In 1916, Master Gichin Funakoshi came from Okinawa to Tokyo and pioneered the modern system of Karate in Japan. There are many schools of Karate today, born from many origins, each with its own merits and perhaps its own faults.

Tiger Athletic is the future of fitness. A modern approach to fitness, a private gym where sessions are strictly by appointment. You never share equipment, workout space, or your trainer. Sessions are completely private, in fact, it’s just you and your trainer on the floor during your appointment.


Get Up. Show Up. Lace Up.

Sharpen your psychological and physiological self by training like a professional athlete in our unique training facility, designed and developed by your personal trainer Aubrey.

Our custom, in person strength & conditioning and online program offerings, including boxing, kickboxing, strength & conditioning, and functional training. Its always just you, your trainer, and the whole gym. No sharing space, queueing for equipment, or your trainer’s attention.

Boxing HIIT

Tiger Athletic provides the most effective boxing instruction, conditioning the body for optimal results through our unique approach. The client is assessed, treated, and trained as a professional boxer to ensure the highest standards of technical and physical performance. It’s just you, your coach, and the gym. Absolute Privacy. Let’s Work.

Each class consists of 12 rounds, with 2 warm-up rounds, 4 bag rounds, 4-floor rounds, and 2 core rounds. Burn upwards of 1,000 calories in our World Title classes! It doesn’t matter how bad in shape you think you are or who you are. A former athlete, young professional, stay-at-home-parent, or retiree, for 45 minutes a day you can fight for a world title.

Tiger Athletic provides the most effective boxing instruction, conditioning the body for optimal results through our unique approach. The client is assessed, treated, and trained as a professional boxer to ensure the highest standards of performance. It’s just you, your coach and the gym. Absolute privacy. Let’s Work.

Kick. Lift. Box.

A unique combination class consisting of high-intensity interval training, dynamic speed, agility, and cardio conditioning drills. Stimulate all your major muscles Ignite the strength and power while burning upwards of 700 calories. 12 x 3 minute rounds over 45 minutes and you’ll be right on track in achieving that lean and toned physique. A Kick-Lift-Box workout is made up of karate kicks and boxing routines and punches for heart-pumping cardio with strength and conditioning.

Tiger Athletic provides the most effective boxing instruction, conditioning the body for optimal results through our unique approach. The client is assessed, treated, and trained as a professional boxer to ensure the highest standards of performance. It’s just you, your coach, and the gym. Absolute privacy. Let’s Work.

Power Boxing

A modern, full-body workout, a pairing of best boxing practices with strength and conditioning exercises. This 45-minute boxing class, will develop your technical boxing skills and teach you various functional movement patterns that will transform your physique.

Tiger Athletic provides the most effective boxing instruction, conditioning the body for optimal results through our unique approach. The client is assessed, treated, and trained as a professional boxer to ensure the highest standards of performance. It’s just you, your coach and the gym. Absolute privacy. Let’s Work.

World Title Boxing

The pre-eminent 60-minute strength and conditioning boxing class, combining the best elements of both our Boxing HIIT and Power Boxing programs. This 60-minute sweat session will challenge athletes of all levels, getting you in the best shape of your life, while empowering you with the confidence of a champion.

Tiger Athletic is the future of fitness. A modern approach to fitness, a private gym where sessions are strictly by appointment. You never share equipment, workout space, or your trainer. Sessions are completely private, in fact, it’s just you and your trainer on the floor during your appointment. Training equipment is sanitized before and after every workout, that’s every hour!

Tiger Athletic is a modern, science-based exercise experience, unrivaled in workout quality, strength & conditioning equipment, and coaching. We ensure the highest training and hygiene standards with no joining or cancellation fees. Let’s workout.

Championship Boxing

It takes many hours of regular workouts in the gym to blast the 8 000 calories it takes to burn just 1 kilogram of fat from your body. Championship Boxing is a fun, challenging 1 000 calories per session that will engage you, push you and teach you totally new and practical skills as you move faster than ever towards your goal weight and aesthetic.

Each session is run like a championship boxing match, consisting of a 3-minute dynamic warm-up followed by 12 x 3-minute’ rounds’ comprising of 12 strength and conditioning exercises, for a total body workout. Each round is 3 minutes of all-out action with 1 minute of active rest and hydration between rounds for the best in class workout experience to rapidly sculpt and tone your physique.

This is a super-fast, super easy workout, designed for everyone from someone who has never thrown a punch to the professional athlete. Each dynamic workout is in a modern, private, appointment only facility where you can work out undisturbed and even bring your training partner at no extra cost for your first full month with us. The aerobic nature of many of boxing’s exercises leads to a high-calorie burn without a significant shock to your joints.

Championship Boxing is a brilliant all-round exercise choice for all fitness goals. Each workout increases the rate at which your heart pumps blood around your body, strengthening your heart’s muscles and lowering your chances of developing cardiovascular complications such as heart attacks and strokes.

It takes more than just jumping on a treadmill or lacing up and ‘hitting’ the road and hoping for the best. If you want to get the most out of your body, then you need to work it the right way through a variety of different forms of exercise and keeping your heart rate at the right level.

If it’s overall fitness you’re after, you need to get your head around both aerobic and anaerobic exercise present in boxing estimated to be 70-80% anaerobic and 20-30% aerobic. Boxing as a workout helps maintain the heart rate at 75%-85% regular heartbeat which is the recommended range if you are exercising to burn body fat and tone your muscles.

Championship Boxing is a high-intensity workout that burns a LOT of calories. You are looking at up to 1 000 calories through workouts that will challenge every muscle in your body, especially the core, shoulders, abs, and obliques.

Championship Boxing workouts will strengthen and tone your legs, arms, chest, shoulder, and back – pretty much everything while you get a massive endorphin release in your body from hitting a heavy bag, doing pad work with your personal trainer or going through our signature strength and conditioning routines.

Finding a gym or a great workout in Sandton City can be just as overwhelming as seeking out a new restaurant or bar in the City of Gold, here, you’re seemingly spoiled for choice. Tiger Athletic is modern, private, and strictly by appointment. Whether you’re looking to diversify your workout regime or find a new way to sweat, we have you covered.

Together Changes Everything. Let’s Workout.

A Modern Approach To Fitness

Tiger Athletic is the future of fitness. A modern approach to fitness, a private gym where sessions are strictly by appointment. You never share equipment, workout space, or your trainer. Sessions are completely private, in fact, it’s just you and your trainer on the floor during your appointment.
Training equipment is sanitized before and after every workout, that’s every hour! Tiger Athletic is a modern, science-based exercise experience, unrivaled in workout quality, strength & conditioning equipment, and coaching. We ensure the highest training and hygiene standards with no joining or cancellation fees.
Tiger Athletic
Tiger Athetic. Sandton, Johannesburg.
Founder Aubrey’s rigorous, results-focused methodology has attracted an exclusive, high-powered membership. Tiger Athletic is a ground-floor facility, in an office park in Sandton Johannesburg, combining privacy and relaxing surroundings. Members can relax with an espresso or beverage of choice before and after workouts or take a walk through our private urban short golf course. The change rooms feature absolute privacy without a soul in sight for added peace of mind.


Our Philosophy

Joining Tiger Athletic is a two-way commitment. Membership is capped so all applicants are interviewed and undergo a consultation and health appraisal with Aubrey must to both assess for contraindications to exercise requiring referral to other healthcare professionals and to provide the data around which your custom workout and nutrition plan is designed.

You must commit to working out at the gym at least twice a week, however, special arrangements are available for qualified candidates who routinely travel for business, reside between Johannesburg and elsewhere, and non Residents.

Master Tiger

The consultation and health assessment last an hour. We assess flexibility, cardio-respiratory fitness, strength, endurance, and body fat to zero in on the unique musculature of each client, isolating differences between right and left sides of the body, different parts of each muscle, and the two major muscle fiber types (those for strength, and those for endurance), in order to design a workout tailored to each member’s genetic aptitude, level of fitness, health conditions, and goals. Members are welcomed to book an hour to use the gym anytime in an available slot in addition to their personal training sessions.

Your personal trainer Aubrey approaches fitness scientifically, he graduated in coaching science with merit, is a former boxer, rugby player, and holds senior black belts in Karate.  “You can’t fail,” Aubrey likes to say. “We’re just gathering data to design the best possible workout experience for you”


Tiger Athletic Fitness & Conditioning is a private, appointment only strength & conditioning gym in the heart of Sandton. Our personal trainers are health and fitness professionals who use an individualized approach to assess, motivate, educate, and train clients. We design safe, effective, fun exercise solutions for in-person and online personal training clients.

Our ‘Fit for Life’, health first approach helps us to help you reach your goals safely and effectively through health and fitness assessment, best in class coaching, modern resistance, and cardio equipment, calisthenics, and boxing to provide a pragmatic, extraordinary 50-minute workout that is simple, efficient and effective.

Together changes everything. Lets workout.


Lacto – Vegetarian Diet For Weight Loss

Indian cuisine is known for its vibrant spices, fresh herbs and wide variety of rich flavours. Though diets and preferences vary throughout India, most people follow a primarily plant-based diet. Around 80% of the Indian population practices Hinduism, a religion that promotes a vegetarian or lacto-vegetarian diet.

The traditional Indian diet emphasizes a high intake of plant foods like vegetables, lentils and fruits, as well as a low consumption of meat. However, obesity is a rising issue in the Indian population. With the growing availability of processed foods, India has seen a surge in obesity and obesity-related chronic diseases like heart disease and diabetes.

This article explains how to follow a healthy Indian diet that can promote weight loss. It includes suggestions about which foods to eat and avoid and a sample menu for one week.

A Healthy Traditional Indian Diet

Traditional plant-based Indian diets focus on fresh, whole ingredients — ideal foods to promote optimal health.

Why Eat a Plant-Based Indian Diet?

Plant-based diets have been associated with many health benefits, including a lower risk of heart disease, diabetes and certain cancers such as breast and colon cancer. Additionally, the Indian diet has been linked to a reduced risk of Alzheimer’s disease. Researchers believe this is due to the low consumption of meat and emphasis on vegetables and fruits. Following a healthy plant-based Indian diet may not only help decrease the risk of chronic disease, but it can also encourage weight loss.

What Food Groups Does It Include?

The Indian diet is rich in nutritious foods like grains, lentils, healthy fats, vegetables, dairy and fruits. The diets of most Indian people are heavily influenced by religion, particularly Hinduism. The Hindu religion teaches nonviolence and that all living things should be valued equally.

That’s why a lacto-vegetarian diet is encouraged, and eating meat, poultry, fish and eggs is discouraged. Lacto-vegetarians do, however, eat dairy products. A healthy lacto-vegetarian diet should focus on grains, lentils, dairy, vegetables, fruits and healthy fats like coconut oil.

Spices such as turmeric, fenugreek, coriander, ginger and cumin are at the forefront of traditional dishes, adding rich flavour and powerful nutritional benefits. Turmeric, one of the most popular spices used in India, is celebrated for its anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and anticancer properties. A compound in turmeric called curcumin has been found to fight inflammation in the body, improve brain function and reduce risk factors of heart disease.


A healthy Indian diet focuses on lacto-vegetarian guidelines and emphasizes grains, lentils, vegetables, fruits, healthy fats, dairy and spices.

Healthy Foods to Eat

There are many delicious foods and beverages to choose from when following a lacto-vegetarian diet for weight loss.

What to Eat

Try incorporating the following ingredients into your daily meal plan:

  1. Vegetables – Tomatoes, spinach, eggplant, mustard greens, okra, onions, bitter melon, cauliflower, mushrooms, cabbage and more
  2. Fruits – Mango, papaya, pomegranate, guava, oranges, tamarind, lychee, apples, melon, pears, plums, bananas
  3. Nuts and seeds – Cashews, almonds, peanuts, pistachios, pumpkin seeds, sesame seeds, watermelon seeds and more
  4. Legumes – Mung beans, black-eyed peas, kidney beans, lentils, pulses and chickpeas
  5. Roots and tubers – Potatoes, carrots, sweet potatoes, turnips, yams
  6. Whole grains – Brown rice, basmati rice, millet, buckwheat, quinoa, barley, corn, whole-grain bread, amaranth, sorghum
  7. Dairy – Cheese, yogurt, milk, kefir, ghee
  8. Herbs and spices – Garlic, ginger, cardamom, cumin, coriander, garam masala, paprika, turmeric, black pepper, fenugreek, basil and more
  9. Healthy fats – Coconut milk, full-fat dairy, avocado, coconut oil, mustard oil, olive oil, peanut oil, sesame oil, ghee
  10. Protein – Tofu, legumes, dairy, nuts and seeds

Meals and snacks should focus on fresh, whole foods flavoured with herbs and spices. Additionally, adding non-starchy vegetables like greens, eggplants or tomatoes to your meals will provide a boost of fibre that can help you feel satisfied for a longer period after eating.

What to Drink?

An easy way to cut back on excess calories and sugar is to avoid sugar-sweetened beverages and juices. These drinks can be high in both calories and sugar, which can negatively affect weight loss. Water, Sparkling water, Unsweetened tea including Darjeeling, Assam and Nilgiri teas


A healthy Indian diet should focus on fresh ingredients such as vegetables, fruits, tubers, legumes, whole grains, healthy fats and unsweetened beverages.

Unhealthy Foods to Avoid

Choosing foods and beverages that are highly processed, loaded with sugar or high in calories can sabotage your weight loss efforts. Not only are items like sweets, fried foods and soda not good for weight loss, they aren’t good for overall health. Eating too much processed food and products laden with sweeteners can increase the risk of chronic diseases. For example, drinking sugar-sweetened beverages like soft drinks, fruit punch and juices every day has been associated with increased risks of diabetes, obesity and heart disease. Consuming unhealthy foods can make it harder for you to lose fat and maintain a healthy weight.

For optimal health, minimize the following foods or avoid them altogether:

  1. Sweetened beverages – Soda, fruit juice, sweetened tea, sweet lassi, sports drinks
  2. High-sugar foods – Sweets, ice cream, cookies, rice pudding, pastries, cakes, sweetened yogurt, high-sugar cereals, digestive biscuits
  3. Sweeteners – Jaggery, sugar, honey, condensed milk
  4. Sweetened sauces – Salad dressings with added sugar, ketchup, barbecue sauce, sweetened curries
  5. High-fat foods – Fast food like McDonald’s, French fries, chips, fried foods, bhujia
  6. Refined grains – Products including white bread, white pasta, biscuits
  7. Trans fats – Margarine, Vanaspati, fast food, highly processed foods
  8. Refined oils – Canola oil, soybean oil, corn oil, grapeseed oil

It’s okay to enjoy an occasional treat, limiting the foods and beverages listed above is best for overall health.


Avoiding sweetened beverages, fast food, fried items and products high in added sugar can help you lose weight and get healthier.

A Healthy Indian Sample Menu for One Week

Below is a healthy one-week Indian sample menu that focuses on fresh, nutritious food. You can adjust it according to your calorie needs, dietary restrictions and food preferences.


  1. Breakfast – Sambar with brown rice idli
  2. Lunch – Whole-grain roti with mixed-vegetable curry
  3. Dinner – Tofu curry with mixed vegetables and a fresh spinach salad


  1. Breakfast – Chana dal pancakes with mixed vegetables and a glass of milk
  2. Lunch – Chickpea curry with brown rice
  3. Dinner – Khichdi with sprout salad


  1. Breakfast – Apple cinnamon porridge made with milk and topped with sliced almonds
  2. Lunch – Whole-grain roti with tofu and mixed vegetables
  3. Dinner – Palak paneer with brown rice and vegetables


  1. Breakfast – Yogurt with sliced fruits and sunflower seeds
  2. Lunch: Whole-grain roti with vegetable subji
  3. Dinner – Chana masala with basmati rice and green salad


  1. Breakfast – Vegetable dalia and a glass of milk
  2. Lunch – Vegetable sambar with brown rice
  3. Dinner – Tofu curry with potato and mixed vegetables


  1. Breakfast – Multigrain parathas with avocado and sliced papaya
  2. Lunch – Large salad with rajma curry and quinoa
  3. Dinner – Lentil pancakes with tofu tikka masala


  1. Breakfast – Buckwheat porridge with sliced mango
  2. Lunch – Vegetable soup with whole-grain roti
  3. Dinner – Masala-baked tofu with vegetable curry

Drinking water, seltzer or unsweetened tea with and between meals will keep you hydrated without adding extra calories. Make sure to consume plenty of non-starchy vegetables at every meal, as well as sources of healthy fat and protein. This will keep you feeling full throughout the day and reduce the chances of you overeating.


A healthy lacto-vegetarian meal plan should be rich in vegetables, fruits, vegetarian protein sources and healthy fats.

Healthy Snack Options

Replacing high-calorie, sugary snacks with healthier options can promote weight loss and help keep you on track towards your weight loss goals. Like meals, nutritious snacks should revolve around w, whole ingredients.

Here are some weight loss friendly snack ideas:

  1. Small handful of nuts
  2. Sliced fruit with unsweetened yogurt
  3. Vegetable chaat
  4. Sprout salad
  5. Roasted pumpkin seeds
  6. Sliced fruit with nuts or nut butter
  7. Roasted chickpeas (channa)
  8. Hummus with vegetables
  9. Bean salad
  10. Salted popcorn
  11. Unsweetened kefir
  12. Homemade trail mix
  13. Fennel seeds
  14. Fresh fruit with cheese
  15. Broth-based vegetable soup

If you are craving a sweet snack to have with evening tea, swapping out your usual dessert for fresh, sliced fruit might do the trick. For another healthy dessert option, top unsweetened yogurt with cooked fruit and crunchy nuts for a satisfying combination.


When choosing a snack, pick a nutritious option that is low in sugar and high in nutrients. Vegetables, fruit, cheese, nuts, seeds and unsweetened yogurt all make excellent snack choices.

Smart Ways to Lose Weight

Aside from focusing on fresh, whole foods, there are other lifestyle changes that can help you lose weight. What’s more, adopting the following healthy habits can help you maintain a healthy weight over your lifetime.

Increase Activity

To create a calorie deficit that will help you lose weight, it’s critical to increase the amount of activity in your day. Find an activity that you enjoy, whether it be a sport or working out at the gym. Even if you don’t exercise formally, try increasing the number of steps you take every day. It’s a simple way to burn more calories and get fit. To lose weight, aim for a goal of 10,000 steps per day and work up to that goal over time.

Practice Mindful Eating. Many people eat on the run or consume meals while they’re distracted. Instead, make a point to focus on your meals and pay attention to feelings of hunger and fullness. It’s a great way to get more in tune with your body. Eating more slowly can also promote weight loss by increasing feelings of fullness and decreasing hunger. Another useful habit to control your food intake is to avoid eating in front of the television or while surfing the web.

Make Smart Choices

Eating healthy can be a challenge, so set goals ahead of time and stick to them. This can help you maintain your plan, even when you are feeling tempted to make an unhealthy food choice, such as when you’re socializing with friends or family. Reminding yourself why you want to get healthier in the first place can make you feel empowered and lead you to make smarter food and lifestyle decisions.


Being more active, practicing mindful eating and reminding yourself of your health and wellness goals are excellent tools that can help you stay on track.

A Weight Loss Friendly Shopping List

Having ingredients on hand to prepare nutritious meals and snacks at home is vital for weight loss. Stock your refrigerator and pantry with healthy foods. It will motivate you to test out your cooking skills and try new recipes. Research shows that people who cook more meals at home are more likely to have better overall diet quality, a healthier weight and less body fat than those who eat meals at home infrequently.

Here are some healthy items to add to your shopping list:

  1. Vegetables – Greens, cauliflower, herbs, carrots, peppers, garlic, eggplant
  2. Fruits – Apples, strawberries, mango, papaya, banana, grapes
  3. Frozen produce – Mixed vegetables and frozen fruits
  4. Grains – Oats, millet, quinoa, whole-grain breads, brown rice
  5. Legumes – Lentils, pulses, beans
  6. Nuts – Almonds, pistachios, cashews
  7. Seeds – Sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, lotus seeds
  8. Dairy – Milk, unsweetened yogurt, unsweetened kefir, cheeses, curd
  9. Condiments – Sea salt, pepper, turmeric, ginger, paprika, cinnamon
  10. Starchy vegetables – Potatoes, sweet potatoes, parsnip, pumpkin, corn
  11. Proteins – Tofu, dairy products, legumes, hummus
  12. Healthy fats – Olive oil, unsweetened coconut, coconut oil, ghee, sesame oil, avocado, peanut butter
  13. Beverages – Green tea, coffee, sparkling water, Darjeeling tea

Focus on filling your cart with fresh foods. These are usually stocked around the perimeter of the grocery store. The shelves in the middle of the grocery store typically house packaged and processed foods, which you should keep to a minimum in your diet. Buy grains, nuts and seeds in bulk to save money and stock up on staple items you use regularly. Steer clear of tempting foods by making a grocery list and purchasing only the items you jotted down ahead of time.


Cooking more meals at home will allow you to save money and experiment in the kitchen. It may even help you lose weight. To start, create a grocery shopping list filled with fresh, nutritious items.

The Bottom Line

Following a lacto-vegetarian Indian diet is a great way to lose weight. It will help you cut back on sugary foods and beverages, eat more vegetables and increase your protein intake. Regular exercise to your regimen to boost your health and weight loss even more. Incorporating even one or two of the foods or lifestyle changes listed above into your routine can help you get healthier and happier.

Tiger Athletic Fitness & Conditioning is a modern, private, appointment only strength & conditioning gym in the heart of Sandton. We offer custom in person or online exercise programs with a personal trainer.

Together Changes Everything. Let’s Workout.

Obesity and How To Get Help.

If at your initial consultation your personal trainer tells you you’re obese, they’re not trying to make you feel bad. They’re using a specific medical term, ‘obesity’, to talk with you about your weight. Simply put, the word “obesity” means too much body fat. It’s usually based on your body mass index (BMI).

Body Mass Index (BMI) is a measurement of a person’s weight with respect to his or her height. It is more of an indicator than a direct measurement of a person’s total body fat. BMI, more often than not, correlates with total body fat. This means that as the BMI score increases, so does a person’s total body fat.

The World Health Organisation (WHO), defines an adult who has a BMI between 25 and 29.9 as overweight – an adult who has a BMI of 30 or higher is considered obese – a BMI below 18.5 is considered underweight, and between 18.5 to 24.9 a healthy weight .

How does being obese affect my health?

Obesity can help explain some conditions you may have, such as:

  1. High blood pressure
  2. Heart disease and stroke
  3. Type 2 diabetes
  4. High cholesterol
  5. Joint problems caused by extra weight
  6. Trouble breathing, including sleep apnea (you briefly stop breathing while you’re asleep)
  7. Gallstones

Modest changes go a long way!

The great news is that you can take simple steps to lose extra weight. Losing even a little weight can make a big difference to your health, how you feel and your personal well-being. You really don’t have to lose a lot of weight to start seeing and feeling the health benefits.

Begin with a weight loss goal of 500 grams to 1000 grams a week. Overweight adults or obese adults should try to lose 5% to 10% of their current weight over 6 months, according to the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute of America.

If you’re ready to get started with a weight loss program, ask your personal trainer to help you set personal goals and refer you to other professionals who can give you medical advice if necessary and help you reach your goals safely. For example, a Registered Dietitian can help you with meal planning and a Chiropractor can address your muscloskeletal issues affecting your training performance and general quality of life.

You’ll want to go for steady progress over time, and to make lifestyle changes that work for you for the long run. That way you can start losing weight and feel better.

Tiger Athletic is a modern, private, appointment only gym in Sandton, Johannesburg. We use a rigorous, results-focused methodology we are passionate about helping you be the healthiest version of yourself, so you can lead a more fulfilling personal and professional life.

Our sessions are strictly 1 on 1 just you and your trainer. There is nobody else in the gym and all equipment used is sanitized at the end of each session for the safety of all our clients.

Together changes everything. Let’s work out.

30 Day Tiger Abs Challenge

30 days to stronger, firmer and leaner abs? Challenge yourself by joining Tiger Athletic head trainer Aubrey in our 30-Day Tiger Abs Challenge to build a stronger core and leaner abs.

Localized weight gain solely in your midsection may be the result of specific lifestyle choices. The two S’s, stress and sugar play a significant role in the size of your midsection. Fat around the middle is, in fact, unhealthier than being overweight, can increase your risk of Type 2 diabetes, heart disease, stroke, high blood pressure, and even cancer, especially breast cancer.

Our modern lifestyle of sitting all day in traffic and at work often leaves us feeling (and looking) fat, tired and with backpain. Achieving a leaner more functional torso goes a long way to easing the back pain and feeling amazing again. Along with the workout calendar at the end of this article and as a Tiger Athletic first, every few days we’ll post a no equipment, 10-minute core and abs workout video you can follow along pretty much anywhere.

Join our 30 day Tiger Abs Challenge starting Saturday, February 01, 2020, by following the workout calendar at the bottom of this article and engaging with your personal trainer Aubrey and our close-knit fitness community on the Tiger Athletic Challenge Group on Facebook. and we’ll get you a leaner, stronger, tighter midsection and to that elusive 2-minute plank benchmark. Even if just getting to a 20 second plank seems an insurmountable obstacle at present, we’ll get you there with a lot of planking practice and targeted core exercises to improve core strength for men and women alike.

We’re starting on Saturday, January 01, 2020, however, you can start the challenge at any time you feel you need professional help to improve your core strength and the aesthetic look of your abs. At the end of this article, we’ve created the 30-day Tiger abs calendar with a training program for you to follow every day of the challenge.

You’ll do four different ab exercises on most days, the plank (of course), the boat pose, Jack Knives (Aubrey’s personal favourite) and cross crunches for a set time or number of reps. For example, on the first day, you’ll do a 20-second plank, 20-second Boat pose, 20 Jack Knives and 20 Cross Crunches. For the Jack Knives and Cross Crunches, the set number applies on the left side as it does on the right, i.e. 20 reps mean 20 left hand to right leg and vice versa.

On some days our head trainer Aubrey will demonstrate a 10 minute ab workout video to add to your training routine and on every seventh day, you’ll have an active rest day to focus on a low intensity workout like setting a new personal best on your 10 000 Step A Day Challenge, yoga or swimming.

How To Join The Challenge

  1. Join our Tiger Athletic Challenge Group on Facebook to get daily encouragement and motivation, as well as answers to any questions about the challenge you may have.
  2. Share the challenge calendar below with your friends on Pinterest, Facebook and Twitter. You can also print it out and keep it somewhere you’ll see it every day or save it to your phone so it’s always handy.
  3. Follow along with the challenge each day and share your progress in the Tiger Athletic Challenge Group . We’re rooting for you!

30 Day Solid Abs Challenge Calendar


20 Sec Plank
20 Sec Boat
20 Jack Knives
20 Cross Crunches
(10 Each Way)


25 Sec Plank
25 Sec Boat
24 Jack Knives
24 Cross Crunches
(12 Each Way)

Tiger Athletic
Dynamic Abs
10-minute Video

30 Sec Plank
30 Sec Boat
28 Jack Knives
28 Cross Crunches
(14 Each Way)

35 Sec Plank
35 Sec Boat
32 Jack Knives
32 Cross Crunches
(16 Each Way)

40 Sec Plank
40 Sec Boat
36 Jack Knives
36 Cross Crunches
(18 Each Way)

Rest Day

45 Sec Plank
45 Sec Boat
40 Jack Knives
40 Cross Crunches
(20 Each Way)

50 Sec Plank
50 Sec Boat
44 Jack Knives
44 Cross Crunches
(22 Each Way)

Tiger Athletic
Dynamic Abs
10-minute Video

50 Sec Plank
50 Sec Boat
48 Jack Knives
48 Cross Crunches
(24 Each Way)

55 Sec Plank
55 Sec Boat
48 Jack Knives
48 Cross Crunches
(28 Each Way)

Tiger Athletic
10 Minute
Tabata Video

Rest Day

60 Sec Plank
60 Sec Boat
52 Jack Knives
52 Cross Crunches
(26 Each Way)

65 Sec Plank
65 Sec Boat
56 Jack Knives
56 Cross Crunches
(28 Each Way)

Tiger Athletic
Dynamic Abs
10-minute Video

70 Sec Plank
70 Sec Boat
60 Jack Knives
60 Cross Crunches
(30 Each Way)

80 Sec Plank
80 Sec Boat
64 Jack Knives
64 Cross Crunches
(32 Each Way)

Tiger Athletic
10 Minute
Tabata Video

Rest Day

90 Sec Plank
90 Sec Boat
68 Jack Knives
68 Cross Crunches
(34 Each Way)

100 Sec Plank
100 Sec Boat
72 Jack Knives
72 Cross Crunches
(36 Each Way)

Tiger Athletic
Dynamic Abs
10-minute Video

105 Sec Plank
105 Sec Boat
76 Jack Knives
76 Cross Crunches
(38 Each Way)

110 Sec Plank
110 Sec Boat
80 Jack Knives
80 Cross Crunches
(40 Each Way)

Tiger Athletic
Dynamic Abs
10-minute Video

Rest Day

115 Sec Plank
115 Sec Boat
84 Jack Knives
84 Cross Crunches
(42 Each Way)

120 Sec Plank
120 Sec Boat
88 Jack Knives
88 Cross Crunches
(44 Each Way)

Tiger Athletic is a modern, private, appointment only gym with a personal trainer for each session. Revolutionize your present workout regime or find a new way to sweat with us. Book a trial session, let’s chat about your health.

Thermogenic Food Simplified

Modern. Private. Strictly by Appointment.

You’ve done the right thing and booked a consultation and health appraisal to give yourself the best possible chance of succeeding in losing the extra weight given, you are eating smart, working out and taking better care of yourself, yet the scale stubbornly just plain refuses to budge.

Your ‘smart nutrition’ may not be so smart after all, your diet may still contain some sneaky foods like salt and pasta sauce that can lead to water retention and significantly hike your calorie intake. Let’s start by cutting back on ultra-processed foods, bubbly drinks, chewing gum, and sugary beverages that can increase bloating.

Food that can “spot train” belly fat is pure urban myth however, there are some smart swaps you can introduce to your diet that will improve gut health, digestion, reduce water retention, eliminate cramps and gas while helping you look and feel and less puffy.

Vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts, fish, whole grains, and other smart choices are high in protein and fiber, keeping you feeling fuller for longer eliminating the snacking while fuelling you with healthier, tastier foods.

Certain foods have a thermogenic effect, you literally burn calories as you chew. Other foods have nutrients and compounds that crank up your metabolism. Stoke your metabolic fire by eating more of these foods, while cutting out unhealthy snacks and empty calories.

For those that eat meat, lean meats like biltong offer awesome snack options. Protein has a high thermogenic effect. You burn about 30% of the calories the food contains during digestion, for example, a 300-calorie chicken breast requires about 90 calories to break it down. Winning!

Low-fat dairy products are rich in calcium and vitamin D, which preserve and build muscle mass, essential for maintaining a robust metabolism.

When it comes to healthy eating and weight loss however, plant-based foods offer greater options to add more wholesome taste to your diet without the extra centimeters to your waistline. Your body burns twice as many calories breaking down whole-grain foods, especially those rich in fiber such as oatmeal and brown rice as opposed to processed foods.

Drinking four cups of green tea a day could help you shed as much as three kilograms in eight weeks, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports which gave credit EGCG, a compound in the brew that temporarily speeds metabolism after sipping it. To up your intake, keep a jug of iced green tea in the fridge.

One cup of lentils packs 35% of your daily iron needs, fantastic news since up to 20% of us are iron- deficient. When you lack a nutrient, your metabolism slows because the body’s not getting what it needs to work efficiently.

Capsaicin is the compound that gives chili peppers their kick, heats up your body which in turn makes you melt additional calories. You can get it by eating raw, cooked, dried, or powdered peppers. Add as much cayenne or hot sauce as possible to soups, eggs, and meats.

Olives and eggs are two easily sourced superfoods many overlook or are misinformed about, that are awesome for your health and weight loss goals also adding flavor, taste and awesome variety to any meal.


This is the ultimate heart-healthy snack whether pressed into cooking oil or eaten cured and whole. When cold-pressed and consumed as true extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), this tiny Mediterranean fruit will help you to slim down by keeping you fuller for longer, while reducing your risk of heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.

  1. Long-term evidence suggests that people who consume extra- virgin olive oil daily are at a lower risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular mortality.
  2. Olives are chock-full of monounsaturated fatty acids, a type of fat linked with lowering LDL (“bad” cholesterol) while maintaining HDL (“good” cholesterol”). The powerful antioxidant properties of olive polyphenols help protect you against oxidative stress and chronic inflammation which is a key initiating factor of heart disease.
  3. Compounds found in olives boost short- and long-term health because they can increase nitric oxide production which in turn improves vascular function by promoting blood flow to your tissues. Better circulation improves everything, you could train harder, recover faster, even maybe improve your overall risk of chronic disease. Certain types of olives can provide up to 25% of your iron needs which helps deliver more oxygen to your organs when you need.
  4. Polyphenols which are other compounds found in olives aid in the reduction of chronic inflammation, halting organ tissue damage before it starts. Improve your health by improving your diet as a whole and adding olives to a diet that includes vegetables, fruit, and whole grains. These polyphenols may reduce degeneration in your bones by improving bone mineral density.
  5. Olives help protect vital organs like your brain from harmful and potentially irreversible damage by reducing oxidative stress caused by inflammation. This tiny fruit also contains the antioxidant vitamin E, linked to improved cognition and reduced risk of cognitive decline. Diets that rely on olive oil as a primary fat source are also associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease.
  6. Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is full of healthy, flavourful fats that boost not only the taste but the satiety of meals when used in cooking. Each tablespoon is about 120 calories, is worth roughly 30 olives depending on type and size. Snacking on a cup of olives provides 15% of your daily dietary fiber.
  7. High-antioxidant foods like olives are great snacks that can also lower your chances of certain cancers, both by protecting cellular DNA, potentially preventing tumor growth and reducing oxidative stress.
  8. Extra virgin olive oil could lower blood sugar as early as two hours after a meal by aiding insulin action. The oleic acids (a heart-healthier type of fat) and polyphenols in olives can help too. Research indicates diets high in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants may lessen the risk of type II diabetes.
  9. Adding a tablespoon of olive oil to salads and drizzling it in veggie dips can help you better absorb the antioxidants found in many fruits and vegetables can help enhance your intake of carotenoids, which benefit your eyes and diminish long-term disease risk.

Eating olives, in addition to more vegetables and fruit not only makes a positive change that can benefit your health in the long term but crucially, also help you achieve weight-loss goals.


High-protein breakfasts, that include eggs, have been linked to weight loss and a reduction in belly fat. You can add natures perfect ‘nutrient bomb’ to your stir-fry, sautés, salads or pair them with whole-grain toast and vegetables.

Eggs are delicious, and leave you fuller for longer than that apple or banana you swipe out of the fruit bowl on your way out every morning, yet we claim to be ‘too busy’ to eat breakfast in the morning, the result is, we are absolutely ravenous and totally distracted long before lunch. We settle to make time to either snack or keep filling the coffee mug while wondering why we are getting fatter.

Its time for a simple change…eat three eggs every morning. Try adding this simple yet comforting routine to your day for a week and feel how remarkably positive your days (and waistline) feel.

Eggs are natures perfect little package. They protein-rich with about 7 grams each, the yolks contain inflammation-fighting omega-3s; vitamins D, E, and B12; and minerals like selenium. Eating just two eggs a day gives you 50% of your daily needs for the memory boosting nutrient choline, which most of us severely lack.

Food science has come a long way since the heyday of egg white omelets, and much of the ‘bro science’ advice about nonsense like the saturated fat and cholesterol in eggs would lead to your early demise.

Eggs contain all nine essential amino acids necessary to rebuild the muscles and tissues in our bodies additionally experts now say that, yes, there’s cholesterol in eggs, but, contrary to what we’ve previously been told, dietary cholesterol doesn’t seem to have much effect on blood cholesterol, the type that actually clogs your arteries, for the average person.

How many eggs you can safely eat per week as advised by your nutritionist, largely depends on how the rest of your diet looks, which makes it a pretty personal and variable recommendation. Get active by joining our 10 000 steps a day challenge or run for fun and eat the whole damn egg!

We all have a ‘forgotten’ bag of frozen vegetables in the freezer. Ramp up the fiber content of your breakfast while adding some fun texture and subtle sweetness to your morning eggs by tossing in a handful of these into the pan with your eggs.

Ripe avocado and cilantro on top is delicious or just scramble them on their own, no milk or fancy additives just a knob of butter and eggs… Same time it takes to make a packet of instant cereal. I don’t have time is a myth.

Making yourself breakfast every morning may seem tedious, but making the commitment to your three egg routine in the morning will provide 21grams of protein that will extend the hunger pangs that cause you to snack badly to stay at bay until midday significantly streamlining your morning and eliminating that food guilt you’ve been carrying.

Eat breakfast. Sit down for 10 minutes each morning and feed yourself. Eating well is a form of self respect and it gives you a moment to relax and mentally prepare for the rigors of the day ahead.

Tiger Athletic is a modern, private, appointment only gym in Sandton, Johannesburg using a rigorous, results-focused methodology. We are passionate about helping you be the healthiest version of yourself, so you can lead a more fulfilling personal and professional life.

Together changes everything. Let’s work out.

Sugar Addict?

It’s a fact that most of us love our sugar and sweet treats. Former US President Ronald Reagan famously always had to have jellybeans on his desk. Vending machines and even the aisles leading to till points in major shops almost everywhere feed our cravings for sweets.

South African sales of sugar-filled drinks and other sweets soaring, at 63%, we have the highest percentage of fat children and adolescents on the planet, as a nation, we are addicted to sugar in all its glorious forms.

While sugar is not literally addicting, (scientists long ago proved that people are born with a preference for sweets), this innate desire does not disappear as we grow older. Some people find it impossible to leave the dinner table without dessert; others can’t fathom a day without chocolate. Many women blame hormonal surges for the sweets cravings they get around the same time each month.

Sugar and other sweeteners add calories with few other nutrients and have no doubt helped contribute to our current epidemic of obesity. True, sugar is not alone in promoting obesity, a lack of exercise and excessive calories from poor nutrition habits also contribute.

Sugar has been blamed for everything from diabetes, tooth decay, obesity, and heart disease to disruptive behavior in the classroom. But sugar by itself will not cause any of these conditions, except for cavities.

A comprehensive review of scientific research, published in the journal Nutrition Research in 1997, showed that sugar is not a direct cause of heart disease, diabetes, obesity, or hyperactivity. A more recent American government report concurs that sugar is not by itself linked to any of those conditions. However, too many calories, in any form, can contribute to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease.

Changes in our behavior are often attributed to changes in our blood sugar levels. When you consume a meal made up of simple, refined carbohydrates – like a doughnut or a soft drink – the result is a spike in blood sugar. Your body responds to this spike by secreting large amounts of insulin to normalize your blood sugar level. In response to the insulin, your blood sugar level drops quickly, leaving you with a feeling of sluggishness and irritability.

When your blood sugar gets too low, hunger reappears, and the roller-coaster ride resumes, that is, at least until your if your next ‘fix’ of simple carbohydrates. It’s simple carbohydrates that twe need to watch specifically, not the healthy, fibrous carbohydrates that come from whole fruits, vegetables, and whole grains.

As your personal trainer, I help you choose healthy carbohydrates or give you nutritional advice that adds protein or fat to your meal, so your blood sugar will rise and fall more normally without the negative side effects.

When we say we have a sugar addiction, we may mean anything from a mild desire to intense cravings for sweet foods and drinks. Some people go so far as to equate the effects of sugar to a drug, saying it calms them and helps them deal with stress.

The U.S. Department of Agriculture’s Food Guide Pyramid recommends we limit added sugars in our diet to 12 teaspoons per day, as far back as 2001, the average American ate and drank the equivalent of 31 teaspoons of sugar daily, however, even with these scary numbers, South African children still manage to feature as amongst the fattest on the planet.

Sugar finds its way into virtually every kind of processed food, from tomato sauce to soups and, especially, soft drinks. One 330ml can of your favorite soft drink contains approximately 10 teaspoons of sugar. As if that is not bad enough, some data suggest that we consume an average of 155 liters of soft drink per person annually. That’s a lot of sugar and extra calories!

Sugars have 4 calories per gram or 15 calories per teaspoon. If you want to shave calories, it’s a good idea to limit added sugar in your diet. Sounds simple enough, but what about those hard-to-ignore cravings? Here’s the trick: Gradually decrease the amount of sugar you eat, and how often you eat it. This will help you reduce your desire for sugars while lowering your caloric intake.

Old habits are hard to break but as your personal trainer, I guide you into making small and gradual changes in your eating style which will help you break free from your sugar addiction.

Many people, newly diagnosed with diabetes find that after they start eating fewer sweets and simple carbohydrates, foods like fresh fruit taste sweeter and can satisfy their cravings for sweets. Remember, moderation is the key. If you can control the quantity, you will be able to enjoy sweets on occasion.

The first step you take towards a healthier lifestyle is the most important and provides secure footing for your weightloss journey. Book a consultation and health appraisal with me and get some professional help.

One of your most important defences against sugar is by learning to understand food labels, being able to distinguish between unhealthy and healthier food options. Making a habit of always reading food labels and understanding what they mean will soon become second-nature with this 2-step guide.

To begin with, read the Nutrition Information table displayed on the packaging of most foods. This can help you to decide if a product is a healthy option or not as it lists how much of each nutrient it contains. All nutrients are listed in two columns – per 100g and per serving. The 100g column is great to use to easily compare similar products because serving sizes may differ, this way you are comparing apples-for-apples.

The “per serving” column tells you how much of each nutrient and energy (kilojoules) you’ll consume if you consume that suggested serving. Be careful here because the “suggested serving” is not always the same as the packaging size – for example, the suggested serving on a 500ml bottle of a sugary drink is often only around 250ml, half of the packaging size.

  1. Use the table to decide if the food is high or low in fat, saturated fat, sugar and sodium (salt). Foods in the ‘low’ group can be eaten more often, but foods in the ‘high’ group should rarely be eaten or only on special occasions.
  2. Become familiar with sugar terminology and find the hidden sugar in your diet. Recognize that all of these are sweeteners: corn syrup, high fructose corn syrup, sucrose, dextrose, honey, molasses, turbinado, and brown sugar.
  3. Keep up with your food journal, and use the notes section to document your mood, setting, and activity whenever you feel the urge to eat sweets. Review your notes and look for patterns or triggers that you can alter to help control your sugar intake.
  4. Don’t put yourself under pressure. Select one behavior to change weekly. Try satisfying your sweet tooth with a snack-sized chocolate bar instead of a full-sized one. Next week, trade in a soft drink for sparkling water with a splash of fruit juice.
  5. Fight your cravings. Satisfy your desire for sweets with the natural sweetness of whole fruits or no-sugar-added juices.
  6. Buy unsweetened food and beverages and add small amounts of sweeteners if you need them. Enjoy whole-grain cereal with one teaspoon of sugar instead of presweetened cereals, which contain much more sugar per serving.
  7. Gradually decrease the amount of sugar you consume in your tea and coffee, let your taste buds slowly adapt to change. Don’t substitute artificial sweeteners for sugar; this will do little to alter your desire for sweets.
  8. Moderate amounts of artificial sweeteners are not unhealthy, but they won’t help you retrain your taste buds.
  9. Allow yourself small portions of sweets on occasion. If you just go ‘cold turkey’, it will be hard to think about anything else. Rather reward yourself with a portion of one small treat ever so often to resist ‘pigging out’ when your resistance wanes.

Second, read the list of ingredients. These are always listed in order of weight, those used in the greatest amounts are listed first, right down to the ingredient used in the smallest amount listed last. Often the first three ingredients listed on the label make up the largest portion of the food item. Sugar, salt and bad fats are the ones to look out to avoid and come in a variety of which may often be listed under the guise of different names as listed below.

  1. Sugar – Brown sugar, concentrated fruit juice, corn syrup, dextrose, treacle, fructose, glucose, glucose syrup, golden syrup, honey, invert sugar, lactose, malt, malt extract, maltose, isomaltose, maltodextrin, maple syrup, molasses, raw sugar, sucrose, sugar, cane sugar.
  2. Bad Fats – Animal fat, beef fat, butter, chocolate, carob, coconut oil, cream, dripping, ghee, hydrogenated oils, lard, margarine, milk solids, monoglycerides, palm oil, seeds, nuts, coconut, tallow, shortening, trans fats, vegetable fat.
  3. Salt – Baking soda, salt, MSG (monosodium glutamate), any word containing the term sodium, nitrates, nitrites.

If you’re a sugar “addict,” kicking the habit will do your body good. Doctors newest nutritional recommendations suggest a balanced diet, low in fat, with reduced sugar intake, along with regular exercise, as the best way to lose weight and keep it off.

My custom programs for fitness and weight loss are a smart combination of exercise and good nutritional advice basedon data from your consultation and health appraisal. My programs promote safe and effective weekly weight loss and to encourage the eating of healthy foods while weaning you from excessive sugar. Book a consultation and health appraisal and find out just how sweet better health can be!

Tiger Athletic is a modern, private, appointment only gym in Sandton, Johannesburg using a rigorous, results-focused methodology we are passionate about helping you be the healthiest version of yourself, so you can lead a more fulfilling personal and professional life.

Together changes everything. Let’s work out.

Eat Smarter. Lose Bodyfat.

You’ve done the right thing and booked your consultation and health appraisal to give yourself the best possible chance of succeeding in losing the extra weight given, you’ve organised your fridge and are eating smart, working out and taking better care of yourself, yet the scale remains stubborn and refuses to move as quickly as you feel it should or just plain refuses to budge!

Your ‘smart nutrition’ may not be so smart after all, your diet may still contain some sneaky foods like salt and pasta sauce that can lead to water retention and significantly hike your calorie intake. Let’s start by cutting back on ultra-processed foods, bubbly drinks, chewing gum, and sugary beverages that can increase bloating.

Food that can “spot train” belly fat is pure urban myth however, there are some smart swaps can introduce to your diet that will improve your gut health, improving digestion, reduce water retention, eliminate cramps and gas while helping you feel and look less puffy.

Vegetables, fruit, seeds, nuts, fish, whole grains, and other smart choices are high in protein and fiber, keeping you feeling fuller for longer eliminating the snacking while fuelling you with healthier, tastier foods.

Certain foods have a thermogenic effect, you literally burn calories as you chew. Other have nutrients and compounds that crank up your metabolism. Stoke your metabolic fire by eating more of these foods, while cutting out unhealthy snacks and empty calories.

For those that eat meat, lean meats like biltong offer awesome snack options. Protein has a high thermogenic effect. You burn about 30% of the calories the food contains during digestion, for example, a 300-calorie chicken breast requires about 90 calories to break it down. Winning!

Low-fat dairy products are rich in calcium and vitamin D, which preserve and build muscle mass, essential for maintaining a robust metabolism.

When it comes to healthy eating and weight loss, plant-based foods offer greater options to add more wholesome taste to your diet without the extra centimeters to your waistline.Your body burns twice as many calories breaking down whole-grain foods, especially those rich in fiber such as oatmeal and brown rice opposed to processed foods.

Drinking four cups of green tea a day could help you shed as much as three kilograms in eight weeks, according to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reports which gave credit EGCG, a compound in the brew that temporarily speeds metabolism after sipping it. To up your intake, keep a jug of iced tea in the fridge.

One cup of lentils packs 35% of your daily iron needs, fantastic news since up to 20% of us are iron- deficient. When you lack a nutrient, your metabolism slows because the body’s not getting what it needs to work efficiently.

Capsaicin is the compound that gives chili peppers their kick, heats up your body which in turn makes you melt additional calories. You can get it by eating raw, cooked, dried, or powdered peppers. Add as much cayenne or hot sauce as possible to soups, eggs, and meats.

Let’s look at olives and eggs. Two easily sourced superfoods that you may have overlooked or are misinformed about, that are awesome for your health and weight loss goals which add flavor, great taste and variety to any table.


This is the ultimate heart-healthy snack whether pressed into cooking oil or eaten cured and whole. When cold-pressed and consumed as true extra virgin olive oil (EVOO), this tiny Mediterranean fruit will help you to slim down by keeping you fuller for longer, while reducing your risk of heart disease, cancer, and osteoporosis.

Long-term evidence suggests that people who consume extra- virgin olive oil daily are at a lower risk of heart attack, high blood pressure, and cardiovascular mortality.

Olives are chock-full of monounsaturated fatty acids, a type of fat linked with lowering LDL (“bad” cholesterol) while maintaining HDL (“good” cholesterol”).

The powerful antioxidant properties of olive polyphenols help protect you against oxidative stress and chronic inflammation which is a key initiating factor of heart disease.

Compounds found in olives boost short- and long-term health because they can increase nitric oxide production which in turn improves vascular function by promoting blood flow to your tissues.

Better circulation improves everything, you could train harder, recover faster, even maybe improve your overall risk of chronic disease. Certain types of olives can provide up to 25% of your iron needs which helps deliver more oxygen to your organs when you need.

Polyphenols which are other compounds found in olives aid in the reduction of chronic inflammation, halting organ tissue damage before it starts.

Improve your health by improving your diet as a whole and adding olives to a diet that includes vegetables, fruit, and whole grains. These polyphenols may reduce degeneration in your bones by improving bone mineral density.

By reducing oxidative stress caused by inflammation, olives help protect vital organs like your brain from harmful and potentially irreversible damage.

This tiny fruit also contains the antioxidant vitamin E, linked to improved cognition and reduced risk of cognitive decline. Diets that rely on olive oil as a primary fat source are also associated with a lower risk of Alzheimer’s disease.

Extra virgin olive oil (EVOO) is full of healthy, flavourful fats that boost not only the taste but the satiety of meals when used in cooking. Each tablespoon is about 120 calories, is worth roughly 30 olives depending on type and size. Snacking on a cup of olives provides 15% of your daily dietary fiber.

High-antioxidant foods like olives are great snacks that can also lower your chances of certain cancers, both by protecting cellular DNA, potentially preventing tumor growth and reducing oxidative stress.

Extra virgin olive oil could lower blood sugar as early as two hours after a meal by aiding insulin action. The oleic acids (a heart-healthier type of fat) and polyphenols in olives can help too. Research indicates diets high in monounsaturated fats and antioxidants may lessen the risk of type II diabetes.

Adding a tablespoon of olive oil to salads and drizzling it in veggie dips can help you better absorb the antioxidants found in many fruits and vegetables can help enhance your intake of carotenoids, which benefit your eyes and diminish long-term disease risk.

The bottom line is that eating olives, in addition to more vegetables and fruit not only makes a positive change that can benefit your health in the long term but crucially, also help you achieve weight-loss goals.


High-protein breakfasts, that include eggs, have been linked to weight loss and a reduction in belly fat. You can add natures perfect ‘nutrient bomb’ to your stir-fry, sautés, salads or pair them with whole-grain toast and vegetables.

Eggs are delicious, leave you fuller for longer than that apple or banana you swipe out of the fruit bowl on your way out every morning, yet we claim to be ‘too busy’ to eat breakfast in the morning which is laughable because we are more often than not absolutely ravenous and totally distracted long before lunch which sets a bad tone for your day.

We settle instead, to make time to either snack or keep filling the coffee mug all the while cursing our trainer or new diet under our breath every time, we pass our reflection and see our ever-bulging midriff.  

Its time for a simple change…eat three eggs every morning. Try adding this simple yet comforting routine to your day for a week and feel how remarkably positive your days (and waistline) feel.

Eggs are natures perfect little package. They protein-rich with about 7 grams each, the yolks contain inflammation-fighting omega-3s; vitamins D, E, and B12; and minerals like selenium. Eating just two eggs a day gives you 50% of your daily needs for the memory boosting nutrient choline, which most of us severely lack.

Nutrition science has come a long way since the heyday of egg white omelets, and much of the ‘bro science’ advice about nonsense like the saturated fat and cholesterol in eggs would lead to your early demise.

Eggs contain all nine essential amino acids necessary to rebuild the muscles and tissues in our bodies additionally experts now say that, yes, there’s cholesterol in eggs, but, contrary to what we’ve previously been told, dietary cholesterol doesn’t seem to have much effect on blood cholesterol, the type that actually clogs your arteries, for the average person.

How many eggs you can safely eat per week as advised by your nutritionist, largely depends on how the rest of your diet looks, which makes it a pretty personal and variable recommendation. Get active by joining my 10 000 steps a day challenge or run for fun program and eat the whole damn egg!

We all have a bag of frozen veggies languishing at the bottom of our freezer that we have probably forgotten about. Ramp up the fiber content of your breakfast while adding some fun texture and subtle sweetness to your morning eggs by tossing in a handful of these into the pan with your eggs.

Ripe avocado and cilantro on top is delicious or just scramble them on their own, no milk or fancy additives just a knob of butter and eggs! Same time it takes to make a packet of instant cereal. We have been living a lie, people.

Making yourself breakfast every morning may seem tedious, but making the commitment to your three egg routine in the morning will provide 21grams of protein that will extend the hunger pangs that cause you to snack badly to stay at bay until midday significantly streamlining your morning and eliminating that food guilt you’ve been carrying.

Sit down for at least 10 minutes each morning and eat, give yourself a moment to relax and mentally prepare for the rigors of the day ahead.

Tiger Athletic is a modern, private, appointment only gym in Sandton, Johannesburg using a rigorous, results-focused methodology we are passionate about helping you be the healthiest version of yourself, so you can lead a more fulfilling personal and professional life.

Together changes everything. Let’s work out.

Run Your First 5k :-)

“We suffer more in imagination than reality” – Lucius Annaeus Seneca

It’s important to start by visualizing your end goal and one of the best ways to achieve this is to pick a date or sign up for a race at least five weeks away. Follow our 10 000 step a day challenge or run for fun program first if you are an absolute novice at exercise then challenge yourself to reach a new level with this training program created by Aubrey, head personal trainer at Tiger Athletic Fitness & Conditioning in Sandton Johannesburg.

This plan builds from an easy run & walk combination to 5km of steady running, giving you the distance and stamina you’ll need to achieve your 5km goal on goal date.

Week 1

  • Day 1: 5 Min Power Walk. 4 ‘Rounds’. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 2: Rest.
  • Day 3: 5 Min Power Walk. 6 ‘Rounds’. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 4: Rest or Cross Train.
  • Day 5: 5 Min Power Walk. 10 Minute Run. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 6: Rest or Cross Train.
  • Day 7: 800m Power Walk. 1.6km Run. 800m Easy Walk

Week 2

  • Day 1: 5 Min Power Walk. 4 ‘Rounds’. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 2: Rest.
  • Day 3: 5 Min Power Walk. 6 ‘Rounds’. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 4: Rest or Cross Train.
  • Day 5: 5 Min Power Walk. 15 Minute Run. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 6: Rest or Cross Train.
  • Day 7: 800m Power Walk. 1.6km Run. 800m Easy Walk

Week 3

  • Day 1: 5 Min Power Walk. 8 ‘Rounds’. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 2: Rest.
  • Day 3: 5 Min Power Walk. 20 Minute Run. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 4: Rest or Cross Train.
  • Day 5: 5 Min Power Walk. 5 ‘Rounds’. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 6: Rest or Cross Train.
  • Day 7: 800m Power Walk. 3.0km Run. 800m Easy Walk

Week 4

  • Day 1: 5 Min Power Walk. 20 Minute Run. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 2: Rest.
  • Day 3: 5 Min Power Walk. 25 Minute Run. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 4: Rest or Cross Train.
  • Day 5: 5 Min Power Walk. 25 Minute Run. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 6: Rest or Cross Train.
  • Day 7: 800m Power Walk. 4.0km Run. 800m Easy Walk

Week 5

  • Day 1: 5 Min Power Walk. 15 Minute Run. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 2: Rest.
  • Day 3: 5 Min Power Walk. 20 Minute Run. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 4: 3km Easy Run.
  • Day 5: Rest.
  • Day 6: 800m Power Walk.800m Easy Run. 800m Easy Walk.
  • Day 7: 5km Run!

Tiger Athletic is a modern, private, appointment-only gym in Sandton, Johannesburg using a rigorous, results-focused methodology. We are passionate about helping you be the healthiest version of yourself, so you can lead a more fulfilling personal and professional life.

Together changes everything. Let’s work out.


“The miracle isn’t that I finished. The miracle is that I had the courage to start.”

John Bingham

The sense of accomplishment and sheer relief that one feels after a run short or long is indescribable. Going for a run helps you to clear your mind and reduces stress and is pure therapy for the soul.

Whenever something weighs on your mind or it feels as if the walls are closing in on you, lace up and head out. Running won’t solve all your problems but it will hold your hand when life throws you a curveball.

Now that you have started running, I appreciate it maybe feels a little hard, but nothing beats that awesome, ‘I did it feeling’ going through you every time you finish your ‘me’ time.

As a coach, I believe in setting specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, time-based goals that are both fun and doable. If you have been a part of my ‘10 000 step a day challenge’ or joined me on ‘run for fun’, maybe you are now flirting with the idea of signing up or attempting your first 5km run. It’s an awesome choice and a good distance for newbies to running and established athletes alike.

Like any commitment in life, there will be days when you won’t feel like running, however, nothing beats feeling fitter, stronger and amazed with training yourself when you realize that a distance or pace that once seemed impossible feels comfortable and is leading you towards a leaner more capable physique

Your first step is to pick a date or sign up for a race at least five weeks away. That will give you enough time to follow our training program created by Aubrey, personal trainer at Tiger Athletic Fitness & Conditioning in Sandton Johannesburg. His plan builds from an easy run & walk combination to 5km of steady running, giving you the distance and stamina you’ll need to achieve your 5km goal on goal date.

In this 5-week plan, there is four days of running, with active rest days in between for either stretching or going for a walk. We run every other day to get a mental break from ‘pounding the pavement’ and to minimize the risk of injury. Having rest days that fall on weekdays as well as weekends allows your running plan to fit into your work and family life.

As stated in week 1 of ‘Run for fun’, watching the clock is easier and way less stressful than counting the kilometers. Only Sunday’s run is in kilometers so that you can begin to gain a sense of your pace per kilometer, this serves as a confidence booster. Knowing how far you’ve run gives a barometer of how close you are towards your goal and benchmarks you for future runs.

It is vitally important that you start with 5 minutes of brisk walking as a warmup and end with 5 minutes of walking at an easier pace to cool down for each session.

A warmup gradually revs up your cardiovascular system by raising your body temperature and increasing blood flow to your muscles reducing the risk for injury and may also help reduce muscle soreness.

Cooling down after your run allows for a gradual recovery of pre-exercise heart rate and blood pressure. Both warmup and cooldown contribute to your total workout time while helping to build your endurance to achieve our end goal.

At the end of this article is a guide to successfully completing a 5km run. Copy it and and place it somewhere easily accessible to sight to serve as a daily reminder and motivation of your goals and to help keep you on track.

Here is a little insight on how to apply these workouts to your daily routine, a breakdown of the main types of workouts along with some tips for making the most of these workouts.

  1. Each ’round’ refers to a 3 minute run followed by a 1 minute walk. Easy!
  2. All runs should be done at a pace easy enough for you to hold a conversation without straining, that’s 60 to 65 percent of Maximal Heart Rate (MHR), or 5 on the Rate of Perceived Exertion Scale (RPE) The faster or harder you run, the greater the risk of injury. Be patient and build endurance first before aiming to run faster.
  3. Walk breaks are strategically important and shouldn’t be viewed as a ‘kop out’. 80 percent of runners get injured, walk breaks aid in developing endurance and increasing safety while helping you to adapt to running by making it easier and more enjoyable, so by all means stop and smell the roses!
  4. Run at a comfortable pace. If you’re struggling, slow down.
  5. Long runs develop endurance, the foundation of distance running. This constitutes your most important workout.
  6. Use your smartwatch or phone to measure time and distance. Drive a route and map out distance using your car or run on a treadmill if that’s what is convenient. Whatever you do, have fun doing it.
  7. Rest days are full days off without running. Walking or other forms of training like boxing, swimming or yoga are optional. The added exercise will boost your running, just take it easy the day before your long run so that you don’t start this key workout on a back foot.
  8. Finally, plans change, life happens while you are living. If you need to rearrange training days, don’t bash yourself, go for it and do what needs to be done. Just shift the days forward or back or do your best to preserve the every-other-day plan.

Tiger Athletic is a modern, private, appointment only gym in Sandton, Johannesburg using a rigorous, results-focused methodology we are passionate about helping you be the healthiest version of yourself, so you can lead a more fulfilling personal and professional life.

Together changes everything. Let’s work out.

5km Run Training Guide

Week 1

  • Day 1: 5 Min Power Walk. 4 ‘Rounds’. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 2: Rest.
  • Day 3: 5 Min Power Walk. 6 ‘Rounds’. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 4: Rest or Cross Train.
  • Day 5: 5 Min Power Walk. 10 Minute Run. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 6: Rest or Cross Train.
  • Day 7: 800m Power Walk. 1.6km Run. 800m Easy Walk

Week 2

  • Day 1: 5 Min Power Walk. 4 ‘Rounds’. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 2: Rest.
  • Day 3: 5 Min Power Walk. 6 ‘Rounds’. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 4: Rest or Cross Train.
  • Day 5: 5 Min Power Walk. 15 Minute Run. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 6: Rest or Cross Train.
  • Day 7: 800m Power Walk. 1.6km Run. 800m Easy Walk

Week 3

  • Day 1: 5 Min Power Walk. 8 ‘Rounds’. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 2: Rest.
  • Day 3: 5 Min Power Walk. 20 Minute Run. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 4: Rest or Cross Train.
  • Day 5: 5 Min Power Walk. 5 ‘Rounds’. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 6: Rest or Cross Train.
  • Day 7: 800m Power Walk. 3.0km Run. 800m Easy Walk

Week 4

  • Day 1: 5 Min Power Walk. 20 Minute Run. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 2: Rest.
  • Day 3: 5 Min Power Walk. 25 Minute Run. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 4: Rest or Cross Train.
  • Day 5: 5 Min Power Walk. 25 Minute Run. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 6: Rest or Cross Train.
  • Day 7: 800m Power Walk. 4.0km Run. 800m Easy Walk

Week 5

  • Day 1: 5 Min Power Walk. 15 Minute Run. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 2: Rest.
  • Day 3: 5 Min Power Walk. 20 Minute Run. 5 Min Easy Walk.
  • Day 4: 3km Easy Run.
  • Day 5: Rest.
  • Day 6: 800m Power Walk.800m Easy Run. 800m Easy Walk.
  • Day 7: 5km Run!

Post Workout Nutrition

Many of us are either truly famished or just feel like we deserve a reward after a really hard workout and end up eating rich foods and larger portions than we normally would. The end result is often eating back all or more than the calories we’ve just worked so hard to burn!

There’s nothing wrong with a small snack or a filling dinner after exercising, but before you dig in, it’s important to have a thorough understanding your body’s true nutrition needs so you don’t end up gaining weight and sabotaging your hard-earned gains.

If like me, you’re always hungry after you exercise, try working out right before a meal. Regardless of whether you ate beforehand or how many calories you burned, try scheduling your workouts before one of your main meals. That way, you can refuel with calories you would have consumed anyway, without having to add extra snacks into your day.

Try and make your workouts more fun or get me to design a program for you that will get you thinking about exercise less as a chore and more as something you do because you actually enjoy moving your body. This simple mind shift will help you eat less afterward.

In 2014, researchers at Cornell University conducted a study in which they led volunteers on a 2.25km walk, telling half of them that it was for exercise and the other half that it was a scenic stroll. The “exercise” group ate 35% more chocolate pudding for dessert than the “scenic” group. Similarly, in another experiment, volunteers were given post-walk snacks, and the “exercisers” ate 124% more calories than those who were told it was just for fun.

When you do need a snack to recover from a tough sweat session pair protein with carbs, try a 4:1 ratio of carbohydrates to protein. This will allow you to begin to replenish your energy levels and repair muscle damage resulting from the workout.

For workouts, less than an hour, keep your snack between 150 to 200 calories, try open-faced peanut butter on rye with honey, a portion of fish, a slice of chicken breast, cheese on crackers, or a handful of trail mix.

Low-fat dairy is another great recovery food with plenty of protein to help tide you over until your next meal. Refueling with dairy like low-fat chocolate milk specifically helps improve subsequent athletic performances better than traditional sports drinks.

Sometimes, overeating after exercise is more a consequence of routine than anything else. When you consistently consume a 500 calorie smoothie after you finish up at the gym, you start to get into that habit of consuming a smoothie no matter how long or intense your exercise was.

Choose different snacks for different workouts, the shorter the duration, the fewer calories you need to replenish. It’s important for weight loss and weight maintenance to get in tune with your body and learn to eat in response to hunger, versus eating in response to boredom, stress, or the idea of rewarding yourself for exercising.

Activity trackers like the Hauwei smartwatch and Apple watch have become a trendy way to estimate physical activity expenditure throughout the day. However, not all devices are accurate in estimating calorie burn during workouts. Even the most accurate trackers can still only provide an estimate of true calorie burn and it’s not smart to base your refueling strategy entirely on their calculations.

It may seem counterintuitive, but eating more throughout the day may be your ticket to consuming fewer calories overall, especially if you tend to pig out post-workout. Incorporating two to three healthy snacks throughout the day will help regulate hunger between meals, increase energy, and keep metabolism bumped up.

You may feel like you burned a million calories during your spin class, but the truth is we tend to overestimate our energy expenditure during exercise by as much as four-fold. In a study from the University of Ottawa, when volunteers were then asked to eat back all the calories they’d just burned after exercise, they tended to consume two to three times more than what they’d expended. If you are trying to lose weight remember this simple trick, energy out must always outweigh energy in.

Your number one priority after a workout should be replacing the fluids lost during a workout. Having a lot of water in the belly also reduces appetite. Try having a drink of water as soon as you finish training, being mindful that taking in too much water can cause water intoxication due to excessively low levels of salt in the body.

Talk to yourself, ask yourself if you really need to eat. You’re going to eat those calories eventually, so why not save them for your next meal when you’re really hungry?

For workouts lasting longer than two hours—like a long bike ride or a marathon training, sucking down a gel or sipping a sports drink will keep you from feeling ravenous afterward. Try to consume 30 to 60 grams of carbohydrates, that’s about 120 to 240 calories every hour after your first hour. Avoid anything with protein, since it takes longer to for the stomach to digest.

Tiger Athletic is a modern, private, appointment only gym in Sandton, Johannesburg using a rigorous, results-focused methodology we are passionate about helping you be the healthiest version of yourself, so you can lead a more fulfilling personal and professional life.

Together changes everything. Let’s work out.

Run For Fun.

Modern. Private. Strictly By Appointment.

Welcome to the introductory week of your couch-to-street plan designed to help you start running and stay running. In it are combination run and walk intervals totalling 30 minutes of hard work and dedication. Distance moved isn’t an issue it’s purely about the amount of time you spend on your feet. Let’s get running!

According to fossil evidence of some distinctive features of the modern human body, humans started to jog around two million years ago, A new study suggests humans may have left their tree-swinging ancestors behind because they developed into endurance runners.

Running or ‘moving fast of foot’ is a natural ability that most people learn as toddlers. As simple as that sounds, starting to run as a workout or vocation as an adult can be intimidating, even appear frighteningly difficult.

At first glance all you need is a little, ‘get-go’ and comfortable sports shoes, but as many who have tried will tell you, it’s a little more involved than that. When I stopped playing rugby in 2000 and competitive karate a year or two later, I turned into one of those gym guys that love to lift big things and hate to run.

In 2013, I had a massive health scare and as I fought my way back to health, a gym mirror severed my left Achilles tendon in a freak accident on same leg whose knee had forced me to stop playing rugby, it was very hard road back to get healthy and learn how to walk normally again but being the dreamer I am, I just didn’t want to walk, I wanted to run again.

I finally got the guts to ‘lace-up’ in 2018, the idea that I would reinjure myself and not do well at something I had always taken for granted scared me immensely, but I laced up my sports shoes and headed out  every single day and did some sort of slow run/fast walk combination for about 30 minutes at a time.

Within about a month, my running periods became longer than the walking ones. By the second month, I had completed my first continuous 5km run, add a few weeks and I had completed my first 10km run, more confident in my ‘new’ ability, happy that I had turned my fear of running into a habit I thoroughly enjoy.

As a personal trainer and owner of the leading private gym in Sandton, I enjoy encouraging my clients to start running by being kind to themselves first and just enjoying the process. Gaining the mental toughness to overcome the physical demands of learning a new skill like running is tough enough without you being too hard on yourself.

I want you to know that its perfectly okay to dictate your own pace, every time you lace up and step out it’s a step in the right direction. The only thing that matters is remembering that this is for you and the result will be a happier and healthier version of you.

Tiger Athletic is a modern, private, appointment only gym in Sandton, Johannesburg using a rigorous, results-focused methodology we are passionate about helping you be the healthiest version of yourself, so you can lead a more fulfilling personal and professional life.

Together changes everything. Let’s work out.


Day 1: Run 3 Minutes. Walk 3 Minutes. 5 Sets.

Day 2: Active Rest – Walk 30 minutes.

Day 3: Run 3 Minutes. Walk 3 Minutes. 5 Sets.

Day 4: Active Rest – Walk 30 Minutes.

Day 5: Run 3 Minutes. Walk 3 Minutes. 5 Sets.

Day 6: Active Rest – Walk 30 Minutes.

Day 7: Run 3 Minutes. Walk 3 Minutes. 5 Sets.